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  1. L

    BREAKING: Pakistan bans Minority Hindu festival of Holi to save “Islamic Identity” in Universities

    Like a few posters said allow to hold religious festival in private halls away from public is fine. Banning feels too extreme as islam allows one to practise their faith in private. Also the irony we face today is pak is very far from being a proper Islamic Republic.
  2. L

    Another key PTI leader willingly part ways with party

    Country is under munirs military dictatorship, only thing now missing is for the generals to have women picked up for their pleasures like saddams Iraq. Maybe his version of innocent is when criminals like mariam are picked up for corruption charges.
  3. L

    Another key PTI leader willingly part ways with party

    Unfortunately the leaders of a nation do represent its true state. Corruption and despotism is so ingrained in pak society that it might as well be added into its constitution
  4. L

    Asad Umar blasts PTI chief for his politics

    Should be blasting corrupt generals and PDM politicians that are turning pak into a 4th world state. Oh I forgot no freedom to criticise the corrupt there or you get picked up and tortured.
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    Another key PTI leader willingly part ways with party

    It will sow discord as well which may bear fruit in the future to bite these corrupt politicians and generals in the backside.
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    India "Resolve" to swallow all its neighbours ?

    They were not "indian" kingdoms but other kingdoms in patches here and there, one did hold a large area like 2000 years ago but that is also meaningless in today's time.
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    India "Resolve" to swallow all its neighbours ?

    There is no logic just a statement there. India as it is never existed in the past including with what is now Sri Lanka Pakistan Bangladesh, Afghanistan and other countries so not sure how you conclude a single monolith from that.
  8. L

    India "Resolve" to swallow all its neighbours ?

    India as it is today did not exist prior to the arrival of the British. It was made up of multiple independent states like continental Europe their unique languages, cultures and Ethnicity. So the hindutvas having a big dream to create something which never existed.
  9. L

    India "Resolve" to swallow all its neighbours ?

    No surprise with facist modi Clueless only reads modi facist history.
  10. L

    Maryam Nawaz & Police Illegally invade and destroy PTI Candidate House

    Didn't kp province say if anyone barges into your home at night shoot first ask questions later, maybe people of punjab need a similar protocol given most of this is illegal breaking detentions and torture.
  11. L

    PM Shehbaz departs for Baku as Islamabad eyes LNG cargoes

    What's showbaz going to barter with 🥭?
  12. L

    Shell Petroleum to sell stake in Pakistan

    It's what happens in a sinking ship, people jump to save their lives. Multinational corporations not in business for charity, pak has become a failed state unfortunately.
  13. L

    Should Imran Khan move to KPK to start his Insurgency against the Corrupt Establishment from there?

    He has the courage and already has confronted them like no other politician has. What your talking about is armed uprising which is good he hasn't done as once you cross a line there maybe no coming back for the country.
  14. L

    Should Imran Khan move to KPK to start his Insurgency against the Corrupt Establishment from there?

    If what the opposition say were to be believe then this is something he would have done a while ago. However he will hold the fort in lahore alone and go down as a martrye for his principles whether rest of the country want change or continue to let Pak go backwards in development is their...
  15. L

    Imran Khan’s political games leave him isolated as Pakistan army destroys party

    Imm hasn't played games his worked within the law and constitution. PDM and deranged generals have been playing games with the whole nation only for one reason, NRO 2.0. That should tell everyone what they think of the country.
  16. L

    Canadian teacher tells Muslim kids who skip LGBTQ Pride events, "You aren't Canadian" and "You don't belong here".

    Bottom line no one should be forced to do something they don't want to and then get called out being not a Canadian or any other nationality. Its pretty hypocritical to say that if your living in a secular society so the teacher was wrong and should not have done what she did.
  17. L

    Imran nominated in murder FIR of lawyer pleading his treason case

    Societies which succeed in moral, economic, social levels allow their citizens to live in fairness, safety and protection within the law. All lacking in Pak.
  18. L

    Army calls for tightening 'noose of law' around May 9 'planners, masterminds'

    The 25 protesters shot dead were also martyred why no mention of them. Shame on these generals.
  19. L

    Jahangir Tareen's new party to be named ‘Istehkam-e-Pakistan’

    Another party to "split" the vote bank to ensure no party has a large share to change the governance structure. So looks like rinse repeat madness continues, last nearly 80 years has born the same result which is economic mess and more instability later on in the future. The establishment are...
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