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  1. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    I disagree i see society in general accepting affairs as normal there are no legal consequences now mostly couples splitting or divorcing as a result which is destructive to the family system. in Europe adultery was decriminalsed only 50-60 years ago, in the UK its been nearly 200 years, so once...
  2. L

    Erdoğan not happy with India-Middle East-Europe Corridor

    I still don't get how this would be any different to transportation today. Do ships not sail from India to SA? Do ships not sail from Israel to Europe? What am I missing here?
  3. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    Instead of getting into a long drawn out chitter with you just answer one thing for me, what is acceptable in your world view affairs or polygamy. Because in Europe and most of the west the reason for not allowing polygamy doesn't stack up with reality. Affairs are accepted as normal but in my...
  4. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    Secularism in France is just another form of extremism.
  5. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    That was my point its practised without legal basis or protection. Marrying 2 or 3 women means you have a relationship with those women and legally they have share of your estate. In an extra marital relationship either man or woman are financially or from a estate perspective at a complete...
  6. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    Unfortunately European society is degenerating to quite low extremes its worrying to see. That is an enigma in itself yet polygamy is widely and openly practised in Europe just not given a legal basis which ironically would protect people, affairs don't.
  7. L

    Islamabad court issues non-bailable arrest warrants for Arshad Sharif’s widow, show producer

    I wonder how low Pakistani morals and society will fall to finally bring about real sustainable change in the country.
  8. L

    Core Commander Failure , people are out in street

    Military industrial complexes are never good they behave like leaches suck out the life's of other nations or their own in this instance.
  9. L

    Xinjiang police detain ethnic Kazakh who sang Quranic recitations at Muslim wedding

    China should stop any practice of religious intolerance in xinjiang if its occurring. They only need look across the border and see what the Butcher is doing in India its making communal matters worse. Resentment leads to problems in the future.
  10. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    Too many people eat the media and bent politician narratives to think coherently.
  11. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    The UK is not turning into a facist state like France. There is no ban on any religious symbols or garments here. The UK is the most tolerant society in Europe.
  12. L

    Pakistan jumps up 8 notches in military power

    A load of crap index totally meaningless.
  13. L

    War started to reclaim Pakistan

    Imi did his job, exposed the corrupt hypocrites and their supporters, and also highlighted that most of the nation even if they want change are unlikely to come out to protest because fear of brutality by the thugs leading the country.
  14. L

    Imran Khan sentenced to 3 years in Jail

    You have to be stupid to accept the outcomes of a politically motivated case with more holes than swiss cheese. The Churchill quote is true to the bone, if you look around Pak they have no leaders let alone heroes left.
  15. L

    Hindu mob have burned down the mosque and killed the Naib Imam!

    Might have been posted here as I didn't read all posts, a railway worker killed his Muslim colleague and 3 passengers then praised the nazi Butcher modi. Things are just getting worse there with that racist in power.
  16. L

    Pakistan passes law to set up a sovereign wealth fund

    Dar must be in crack cocaine, what liquid assets is he planning to put in the fund. Most countries which set this up are rich in gas and oil.
  17. L

    Hindu mob parade naked Christian kuki women

    From what i read on this it seems like a civil war is happening between two ethnic communities with lots of violence killings rapes etc. What the hell is the Butcher doing to stop this. These rapes and videos seem to brought attention to this conflict. One wonders how many more are happening...
  18. L

    "You shouldn’t wear the skullcap when in uniform" - footage of radical Hindu female passenger harassing Muslim bus conductor goes viral

    Instead of whataboutry to deflect the topic why not stick to the topic. If you really want to discuss something else make a new thread. Now on the topic when you have radical nazi lovers in power what do you expect.
  19. L

    India: Rape accused in Kanpur swallows lizard to avoid going to jail

    I find it hard to believe if that is the guy in the pic is 24 years old. Looks more like 44 or 54.
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