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  1. L

    Canada has Indian diplomats' communications in bombshell murder probe

    RSS terrorism aside, if the guy that was killed was seen as a state threat one can understand the assassination. Allot of the time opposition leaders sit in western capitals protected organising and executing mayhem in their native countries with zero accountability all under the noses of their...
  2. L

    Will Nawaz sharif be assassinated on his return to Pakistan? Would army be blamed ?and will PMLN get sympathy vote ..Maryam Nawaz becames the chosen1

    Will that big fat burger ever come back to Pak all smoke and mirrors. He likes his local KFC as well.
  3. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    They have little difference, one has legal basis through marriage other not. Bottom line the latter is more destructive than the former. Marriage provides more dignity legal protection to a woman and her children than being someone's bit on the side. Anyway both of you are a waste of time so...
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    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    Really so why can lbgt people marry and 3 people together not? Isn't sexual preferences or behaviour being regulated here. Your making no sense. Ofcourse everybody needs to be told what they can and can't do that is what makes laws, you can't cherry pick one item and create a false equivalence...
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    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    Typical write more BS when you can't counter the argument. I'm pointing out hypocrisy in the law if you fail to see it not my issue. And no UK is my home so go do one.
  6. L

    Namira Salim Set to Make History as the First Pakistani to Go Into Space

    He stated millions in Pak will be saying no a woman can't go to space then says I'm trolling. That's a troll 🧌 post right there. No you said millions go read again. What you just wrote also can apply in the west you need to stop playing on stereo types.
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    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    So you care enough to keep responding....your counter argument is no argument just more hypocrisy. You quoting a fictional thing which has no relevance in this conversation.
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    Namira Salim Set to Make History as the First Pakistani to Go Into Space

    You said millions like you have been running a national audit. That was wrong
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    Namira Salim Set to Make History as the First Pakistani to Go Into Space

    No brag just correcting your misguided view
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    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    You made the claim then asking me to research your balony study Isn't law of your country is it, sounds like law of the fascists.
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    Namira Salim Set to Make History as the First Pakistani to Go Into Space

    This is a minority view in pak mostly with those who follow their cultural customs. Majority of pak women are involved in all aspects of life so this isn't a surprise for a woman to go into space. Heck Paks had a woman PM not every European country has had that.
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    Namira Salim Set to Make History as the First Pakistani to Go Into Space

    A part which is as big as the next European country which says the same thing
  13. L

    If the wife works family is ruined, the veil is ruined. If the wife works, society is ruined : Bangladeshi bowler Tanzim Hasan Sakib

    In life every thing needs a balance. If you want kids then a woman needs make sacrifice as physically she's affected. Also first few years of a child are critical and women are much better than men in raising them. Husband and wife should have clear roles it helps running the house and is good...
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    If Iran gets a nuke, we have to get one: Saudi crown prince

    The Iranian nuke imo main aim would be to keep the regime in place and protected from external threats act as a deterrent to stop a Iraq, Libya Syria type situation.
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    Army run schools are showing propaganda videos against Imran khan.

    They lost the plot. Not sure how they recover their image now and how long it takes to mend the damage their incompetence and ego has done.
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    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    What study you referring to the one which don't exist. I'm generally speaking not about PDF but that the same arguments you are using can be used for LBGT relationships. I don't care about sweden or those silly sentences you just made up pretty much all of them breaking your fake freedom of...
  17. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    As I said whims and desires with no real argument. That already happens, so again changes nothing. A muslim man can for e.g marry a woman in the UK, he could go to Saudi and marry a woman there bring her back and the UK would accept that as a legal marriage. Main difference is he couldnt...
  18. L

    France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

    That makes no sense, as I said in Europe marriage rates are falling people are generally marrying less. Also your argument can be used against LBGT people as men turning into women is reducing men numbers for marriage or gay men not wanting women is also taking men away from women to marry, that...
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