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  1. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    That is true but post genocide the blow back will be epic.
  2. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Fox news is a very biased news source, same with a number of other western media outlets. The brainwashing that has been done to justify illegal occupation, dehumanisation, killing children, racist bigotry constant land grabbing over last 70 years is very clear to see.
  3. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Palestinians should refuse to engage with any biased one sided reporting media outlet like CNN. Let their hypocrisy be seen by all when all they have to interview are Israelis and zionist butchers.
  4. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    When you have weak leaders what do you expect. I guarantee if immi was in power you would have heard a number of condemnations.
  5. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Respect to the Jews who are condemning Israeli apartheid and summary execution of Palestinian children.
  6. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    If true ofcourse that is disgusting and condemable at the highest levels. These children regardless of where they are from are a treasure humanity must protect.
  7. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Complete garbage. It's narratives like this that are part of the problem.
  8. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Israeli war crimes are despicable, shame on anyone supporting such horror and killing of children. I also dont condone any violence against peaceful Israelis.
  9. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    With the fog of war around, no one is asking how a fully blockaded Gaza managed to get so many weapons and materials to make rockets. They have been using anti tank weapons, and other weaponry on the face of things, where is this coming from??
  10. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Disgusting terrorism from the Israelis, killing an unarmed innocent person. This is why there is so much hate for them.
  11. L

    Israel is allowing Hamas to launch a ground invasion and kill 10s of thousands in order to justify a genocide and complete control of Gaza & West Bank

    One has to consider as a possibility a false flag operation in the sence they knew it was going to happen but let it happen to maximise sympathy from the world, let Netanyahu become popular again and then go in hard within Gaza to destroy Hamas. Whether its the case or not maybe in the future...
  12. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Stop trolling
  13. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Things like this disgust me, a legitimate freedom struggle gets tarnished.
  14. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They are preparing for indiscrimate killing, bringing forward their genecidal plans.
  15. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Serious question what is Hamas end game with this attack, are they trying to pull in regional actors for a wider war or trying to inflict as much damage as they can before being wiped from Gaza, because you can bet for sure the Israelis will attempt to do this.
  16. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    People do condemn it what is wrong is wrong. Most the examples you gave were over 50 years ago so the next generation are less aware and care in reality. The conflict in Palestine has been ongoing for 70+ years the Israelis continue to commit crimes against humanity on a daily basis western...
  17. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This isn't to do with religion if it was christianity comes on top with the most killings in history. This is a fight for land.
  18. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Killing innocent civilians regardless of what side they are on is plain and simply wrong, there is no justification for it.
  19. L

    CJP Faiz Isa fixes Faizabad sit-in review case for hearing

    So the hyenas have started fighting over the carcus which is Pak, was expected sooner though than I thought.
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