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    Kashmir,Telangana not parts of India: Member Lok Sabha

    mujhe bhi :lol::lol::lol:

    Breaking News, Indian soldier killed by Pakistani firing

    Really? from where did you get that figure? I've got something for you. Read it carefully. State data refutes claim of 1 lakh killed in Kashmir - The Times of India you either forgot or conveniently chose to ignore the fact that a large number of Kashmiris were killed by militants whom you call...

    Tamilnadu oppose India's Sanskrit week

    True Pakistan is a state of mind...a jihadi state of mind. IVC is Indus Valley Civilization read INDUS similar to India or Indos or Indika as the greeks called India. It has nothing to do with Pakistan an islamic nation which was conceived 67 years ago

    Tamilnadu oppose India's Sanskrit week

    Masha Krishna :lol:

    Tamilnadu oppose India's Sanskrit week

    Really? so Independent people are by default pakistanis just because pakistanis are Independent? why not the other way round like pakistanis are Indians because pakistanis are independent like Indians? :azn:

    Tamilnadu oppose India's Sanskrit week

    There was no thing such as pakistan 67 years ago but only Bharat aka Aryavart. The current pakistan was also a part of Bharat. so by default pakistanis are Bhartiya or as the British call us Indians. btw Nitish Kumar doesn't own Biharis...:lol:

    We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

    Man this sex jihad thing is the most disgusting thing i've ever heard.:sick: exploiting girls is :sick::sick::sick: horny demons.:mad:

    We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

    :woot::woot::woot: you are attending too many madrassa lectures where these type of imaginary stories are fed to you guys....the reality is exactly its opposite. no silly! Angels, Jinns etc are going to descend from heaven and save them. But what about us? Alas! we are doomed:laughcry:

    #IndiaWithIsrael top trending on Social networks.

    @TimeToScoot and @Indischer you dirty guys :p: Zaid Hamid ki class attend karte ho beta? :D i support Israel :angel: kill those terrorists :butcher:
  10. AGHORI

    We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

    Vaishnaves are worshipers of Lord Vishnu or Krishna. you are probably referring to vaishyas (not vaishyaa which is a prostitute) AFAIK the caste system was based on duties at the time of its creation. But as time passed, the brahmins and kshatriyas corrupted it to a system based on birth to...
  11. AGHORI

    Indian PM Narendra Modi Ran Away From Live Interview on Gujrat Muslim Question

    That means COW :D....Hindus are a majority here and they revere/worship cows, so Gai Hind probably means the land of cow worshipers...:enjoy:
  12. AGHORI

    Why I'm on the brink of burning my israeli passport?

    feminist kahin ka! :D killing men in such bomb blasts also amounts to terrorism. In those bombings apart from women, men also die.
  13. AGHORI

    The brave 600 soldier of Pakistan who never came back!

    according to your madarssa education there was no India...but then i wonder why the British themselves referred to this country as INDIA:azn: and the Greeks, they too had a similar name for my country..the muslim kings called India as Hindustan while ancient Indian kings and people called it...
  14. AGHORI

    PM not silent, made more than 1000 speeches in last 10 years, says his adviser

    :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::lol::lol::lol: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  15. AGHORI

    PM not silent, made more than 1000 speeches in last 10 years, says his adviser

    ohoh...MMS is now doomed....he has upon him the dreaded curse of the Demigod:D....jokes apart, i fully agree with you. As PM he should have acted in a decisive manner to stop all that and work for the betterment of our country. But alas, it did not happen. He is just not cut out to be the PM...
  16. AGHORI

    PM not silent, made more than 1000 speeches in last 10 years, says his adviser

    1000 SPEECHES????o_Oo_O:o: when did he give them? wait a minute.....aha i got it ...he must have given them in stealth mode:lol::lol::lol: Dus saal se maun vrat dharan kiya hai MMS ne aur yeh banda kehta 1000 speech dey di. :blah::blah:
  17. AGHORI

    Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India

    Good to know that....i love Goa too. so you don't visit now?
  18. AGHORI

    Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India

    from margao.....u Goan too?
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