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    India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

    I am aware of that, but you don't seem to know that this system is a result of corruption introduced in the religion by some vested interests. No real god will accept killing of an animal to please himself and no real religion will allow that.

    India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

    there is nothing wrong in what she said. Saving any animals life does not mean that we have to become like Saudi Arabia. It is a noble thing to do.

    India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

    my thoughts exactly.

    Ladakh stand-off: Chinese troops start withdrawing from Chumar

    hmmm..ok :lol::lol::lol: so no matter what happens anywhere in the world its always India that is humiliated.. even if Bilawal loses his virginity (boy that was epic). after reading your post i laughed so much that my cheeks started paining. I understand what you are trying to convey. Their...

    Ladakh stand-off: Chinese troops start withdrawing from Chumar

    all i can say is :rofl::rofl::rofl:

    Sharif raises Kashmir issue at UN, blames India

    you mean below 15? well looking at @TheMatador presence on PDF, the answer is an obvious yes.

    The day nothing happened - 1965 Indo-Pakistan war

    :lol: That was epic.

    Islamic State gets fatwa from Kerala cleric

    Take that ISIS :devil: Other clerics should do the same. This will help prevent young muslims from getting brainwashed by the propaganda of these islamic terrorist groups and becoming terrorists

    Modi lands in Japan, Abe walks the distance to bond with him

    Nah...this was done to stab China :devil:
  10. AGHORI

    India’s Latest Nuclear Pawn: Australia

    :woot: Man these guys are obsessed with nukes :lol:
  11. AGHORI

    Monogamy weakens AS POLYAMORY GROWS

  12. AGHORI

    My Best Friend and Classmate Capt. Akash Rabbani Is Shaheed

    RIP....my heartfelt condolences to the family of this brave soldier. May the Almighty bless him with heaven.
  13. AGHORI

    UN: Israel is attacking 'sleeping children'

    Have you even read my post fully? your reply clearly indicates that either you have not understood my post or you just don't want to understand it. Few points here: 1) When we worship the Varaha avatar we worship Lord Vishnu, not a pig. 2) worshiping the Varaha avatar does not make a pig sacred...
  14. AGHORI

    UN: Israel is attacking 'sleeping children'

    Varaha was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu which he took in order to kill the demon Hiranyaksh and thus save the world. when we worship Varaha, we worship Lord Vishnu and not some Boar. Also Varaha Avatar had a human body with the head of a Boar and not entirely a Boar. Like wise Lord Vishnu has...
  15. AGHORI

    India stands with Isreal

    There...corrected it for you. we stand with Israel because we too have faced Islamic jehadi scum and we know how brutal these Islamic terrorists are. But you didn't answer my question about your silence on the persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh. Double standards eh? ok another question...why...
  16. AGHORI

    India stands with Isreal

    Nah....we are seeing the world through our own eyes because we are not blinded by religion. These terrorist/jehadi scum use ordinary Palestinians as human shields and when these poor guys get killed, the terrorist jumps up and down shouting "atrocity atrocity". See how these terrorists murder...
  17. AGHORI

    India stands with Isreal

    Charles the hammer??? Hindu reincarnation of hammer fist???? way to go jamati :lol: Nah its like this...Israel partnered with India against Muslim terrorists and fundamentalists and Jehadi Scum. the t-shirt should have this wording..."Israel with India against Muslim terrorists":enjoy:
  18. AGHORI

    India stands with Isreal

    No wonder you are not seeing Hamas as villians. you proved your theory :enjoy:
  19. AGHORI

    do you think X Files is still best show ever made?

    i just love X-Files. my all time fav.
  20. AGHORI

    do you think X Files is still best show ever made?

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