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    India playing long game in South China Sea

    It doesn't matter what you call us, because nobody believes you guys. Pakistan is regarded as the epicenter of terrorism by the world which is spreading like a disease and you regard Indians as a disease? Very laughable. When a terrorist act takes place in the west guess who get rounded up for...

    South China Sea region property of the world: India

    His post gives an impression that his intention was to mock Indians so i bashed him.

    South China Sea region property of the world: India

    Oh hell!!! Chinese education is weak in history. Hmmm...part of CCP conspiracy to conceal the truth. China accepted sikkim as part of India in return for India accepting Tibet as part of China. It was a deal between the two countries. Ask Uncle Wen if you don't believe me. REMEMBER THAT!! India...

    South China Sea region property of the world: India

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: You are one funny chinese!!! what kind of a question is that? Guess you were imprisoned by the ccp in some remote part of China and were cut off from the rest of the world. That is why you don't know whether India has a bus. Does China have Plane? :lol::lol::lol:

    Pakistan-India nuclear exchange possible if Pakistan continues to back mili

    Proof has already been given to both pakistan and US. why do you think US leaders were putting pressure on pakistan to do more against the accused in 26/11 attacks? you forgot Kasab? His Pakistani nationality has been proved and even accepted by Pakistan. Pakistan is still a major ally on...

    Sri Lanka to expose India

    Hmmmm....we should raise the issue of human rights violations in balochistan and the part of kashmir occupied by pakistan :azn:

    Japan likely to join Indo-US navy drill.

    when did i say that china is peaceful? I am referring to what the chinese premier said. He was saying that China's rise is peaceful. It is the chinese theory, not mine. may be most fellow Indians don't listen to people from north-east, but please don't count me in that category. you have...

    If china had not attacked india, would pakistan have won the 65 war?

    We did not lose to Pakistan. The war resulted in a stalemate and then a UN sponsored ceasefire was accepted by both the countries. According to neutral assessments Pakistan lost heavily. check wikipedia

    Japan likely to join Indo-US navy drill.

    Here goes the theory of China's peaceful rise for a toss....into the garbage dump
  10. AGHORI

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    It is not AMCA!! Its MMRCA! LCA is in the lightweight category while MMRCA is in the medium weight and range category. Answer to the not so genious. We need to have a high-medium-low mix of aircraft for strategic reasons.
  11. AGHORI

    China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

    your wet dreams, nothing else. if India can't fly an aircraft without crashing it then how come we were asked to participate in Red flag exercises? By your logic India's aircrafts should have crashed before reaching Alaska. The handful of terrorists went to heaven to meet 72 virgins -courtesy...
  12. AGHORI

    China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

    PLA does not patrol Tawang and neither do your helicopters. LOL who told you that? There are violations. violations does not amount to patrols. J-10s coming to delhi? All i can say is :rofl: I guess you forgot SU-30 MKI'S . It is you who seems to be in delusion or should i say ignorance...
  13. AGHORI

    China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

    True you guys proved yourselves in war :rofl: your policy was attack the enemy when weak and when they are about to receive military supplies and prepare to fight back you run back to your land and declare unilateral ceasefire and claim victory in war. :rofl::rofl::rofl: you guys should have...
  14. AGHORI

    The Maratha War of Independence

    I hope now some people will understand that muslim rulers did not rule India for 1000 years.
  15. AGHORI

    Why India is not a superpower

    First please understand that the west has come up with the concept of India as an emerging superpower. Did you ever hear any Indian leader say that India is a superpower? it is always the western leaders who say that. We Indians are humble enough to accept that we are not a superpower. we know...
  16. AGHORI

    Indian Armour

    Awesome pics!!! Thanks to everyone who posted them.
  17. AGHORI

    Sonia Gandhi beats Asif Ali Zardari

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: Nice one
  18. AGHORI

    Forgotten : The man who won us Tawang

    The chola incident and 1987 skirmish can be fictitious for you since your Govt. has been secretive about it. Remember that your govt. is a communist one which usually keeps a lot of secrets. The fact that after defeating India in 1962 China lost those 2 skirmishes against India can dent the...
  19. AGHORI

    EU moves to help free Italian sailors held in India

    Its high time that we make these white men realize that the lives of Asians are as precious as that of white men. if they commit a crime they should not expect to go unpunished. There are no takers for white men superior theory in this part of the world.
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