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  1. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Why would US hoard US dollars when it could just print them ... haha you guys don't even know the concept of forex reserves .. those 120 billion are mainly gold reserves ...
  2. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    China stronk ... Iron brother's xi jinping also visited india 2 months ago while ignoring you ... Your views?
  3. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Scare "US" not us ... Just negotiating tactics you guys can learn a thing or two ...
  4. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Common don't be so literal ... Wallet for countries is forex and right now ours is 30 times greater than yours
  5. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Yet not a single US base or indian soldier in asian countries yet .... Might i say its its good deal ... Scare US and get good deals .. you know indian "baniya" is good at negotiations right
  6. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Unlike pakistan we dont dont have any "existinsial threat" as you guys call it ... If push comes to shove we can simple isolate ourselves like we did for 50 years before1990 There is a reason india gets exempt from chahbahar, s400, npt , you name it .... And bdw trumps "indo pacific squad "...
  7. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    So accoring to you qatar is the only superpower today ... Hmm you always learn new things on pdf
  8. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Must be a big achievement for him ... Probably more than that of india hosting 20 leaders of state next year for g20 summit?
  9. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Ummm actually its you who is anticipating some big protest not me ... But whatever floats your boat ...
  10. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    But Imran khan didn't get his nobel prize ... I am sad
  11. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Do you even know how bad situation was in punjab in 80's or kashmir in 90's i guess you don't know ... Long story short talking big is very easy in internet but nobody wants bloodshed in real life .. people want peace and kashmiris know that their is only onw way for long lasting peace that is...
  12. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Why do we need to ? We still control kashmir valley, ladakh --source of your indus river , majority of population and siachin glacier...
  13. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    Its been 6 months you tell me where are the huge protests , riots and bloodshed that yiu guys anticipated ?
  14. uk29

    Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

    I had a boring day today just having fun... I am sure trump is mediating thr kashmir issue now that he has met Imran ... We fear you ? You guys are like a boogeyman our right wing political parties use to win elections thats it broo nothing more
  15. uk29

    1.8 million people in Xinjiang rise above poverty in 4 years

    How many of those were han immigrants ?
  16. uk29

    Shanghai is catching up with Mumbai...

    How's sars virus going ? Will you be able to visit ur family for lunar year celebration or the city is sealed off ?
  17. uk29

    Saudi Arabia to Teach Chinese as Third Language

    Next step distribution of mao's red book all around saudi and making its reading mandatory
  18. uk29

    China warns Communist Party officials: cover up spread of Wuhan virus and be ‘nailed on pillar of sh

    First Trade war bow this ... Its surely 11 xinping bad luck going on
  19. uk29


    Gods punishment for mistreatment of uyghurs
  20. uk29

    If india not stop killing innocents at LOC we will not sit silent : Imran khan

    Wr will not sir silent instead we will rant on Un and start twitter campaigns .... Surely that will have some effect
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