All the things that are underlined for GCC are quite near to fact, what i can see about the deal is a game changer in ME specially for Qatar. Qatar will have 15 training and support par with Italian Navy standards and to be taken care directly by Italian Navy.
I can only say one thing that by having these vessels Qatar can be called an Arabian Giant Naval force, the reason is that an LPD of 140/M is also part of the contract. Further details can be disclosed time by time :)
On of my ideal, true believer and patroitic server left us today in state where we started to grow by the seed je sowed during his servicing tenure. By the grace of almighty Allah (S.W.t.T), sir we will achieve what was dreamt. May your soul rest in peace and we stand by with your family at this...
As a matter of fact thats 66th Independence Day of Israel not the 1st one. We can accept and say to our Israeli friends a very happy independence day. Live and let other's live.