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  1. Daxhing Leo


    Well research based articles are not common now a days, good work, one should criticize this article only if he is on to the level at which, he can understand the basic theme, the writer want to tell.
  2. Daxhing Leo

    HAL, The Maker Of LCA Tejas Faces Employee Unrest Over Wage Issues

    Even IAF js concerns about the security and safty of their upcoming Rafael jets. Pigeons can harm their new white elephant. Read this. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.india.com/news/india/pigeons-huge-concern-for-iaf-pose-threat-to-combat-aircraft-at-future-rafale-base-3710182/amp/
  3. Daxhing Leo

    Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill

    Looks like cover up story made by indian and that too in pulwama region. #midnightwalk
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