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  1. L

    Has Time Come to reset the Politics of India ?

    Guyzz let me me know when you are finished arguing and ready to do what it takes because i have a plan.
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    Jet Engine Technology a Top Priority in India-US Talks

    Hi friend, The crux of the matter was/is and will be crystal blade technology which could be researched and then developed but lot of complications still remain in the process. IIT have the talent and can develop such a propulsion but we need to help them and that vigour of co-operation has been...
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    Jet Engine Technology a Top Priority in India-US Talks

    India has the potential to develop engine within itself without any cooperation from outside but.........
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    India is second most ignorant nation of World.

    Come on guyzz let the failure state citizens have some moment of laugh for the report posted by their media. Otherwise they only get news about drone strikes and or Kashmir and what not. Let them have it.
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    Aamir Khan isn’t alone: I too am a little afraid of living in India

    Yes, you are right but that was lead by a visionary leader and knows what is best for the country, history is a good reminder of that. But even though we have had many bloodshed we haven't done reformation. So don't put your hopes on another bloodshed because it wouldn't change anything. As I...
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    Aamir Khan isn’t alone: I too am a little afraid of living in India

    You mean to say 'potholes' are becoming visible. --------------- Well I don't think that even a bloodshed can change India. It will need more than that.
  7. L

    Aamir Khan isn’t alone: I too am a little afraid of living in India

    Well so nice of you my friend. To point out that 'Indians' part to see who knows what is best for India. Now even if she was atheist it doesn't make any sense to criticize aamir khan, if you are not happy with the comment.and even if you are you don't check before commenting that is she a...
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    Aamir Khan isn’t alone: I too am a little afraid of living in India

    Well I don't indulge in debates but let's see what you all here can convince me into your ideologies or could I convince you into my ideology. To your point- Apart from this part- Well, one comment and whole of India goes crazy. Not surprised by the way with this furore, Source: Aamir Khan...
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    Aamir Khan isn’t alone: I too am a little afraid of living in India

    Well, one comment and whole of India goes crazy. Not surprised by the way with this furore, but a surprising act apart from the furore happened this time which was pretty surprising. Here's World's largest democracy for you.
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    Pakistan Clarifies Conditions for Tactical Nuclear Weapon Use Against India

    Oh my lord. I am shivering now. Nope, not because you made my complaint but because I am fearing your hilarious posts which has the tendency to make me die of laughter. Wait wait wait. Please don't bring that 2nd or 3rd strike capability again. I am fearing now.
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    Bhagwat words untimely, voters feel BJP takes RSS orders: BJP MP

    Even after 68 years of independence we have failed to eliminate caste based politics.
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    Pakistan Clarifies Conditions for Tactical Nuclear Weapon Use Against India

    I have seen many times this goon comes up with hilarious post. Sometimes he claims he knows that Pakistan establishment on secret missiles and its top secret and now its pakistan second strike capability. Yes, I know that you will start claiming now that you have 3rd strike capability.......
  13. L

    Possible Russian S-400 sale to India and Pakistan's Response.

    Woah, woah woah, now people hear have started to blow up CBG with just fighter planes. Now that's pretty amazing. Is this right?
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    India’s struggle for Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) System – PAD/AAD System.

    Actually this insight is still not a great insight a lot has gone through since what it is being discussed here. 2016 has lot of surprise for Indian defence jingoists actually. So gear up.
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    China’s Ultimate Nightmare: Japan Armed With Nuclear Weapons

    Well don't know if they are trying or not but the consequences of such a scenario will be disastrous for some country in east asia.
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    Indian Air Force to Have Women Fighter Pilots Soon, says Air Chief Arup Raha

    Good altering news headlines and making it another example of Pakistani obsession. Wonderful:tup:
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    New weapons for IAF - Glide Bomb, Anti-shipping missile & Cruise missile - to be tested this month

    Hi, visiting here after a longtime. Well I have been out of India and away from work majority part of the past few months but work is going on diverse fields. A lot of work is going on future missiles compatible with VLS and NG lr sam, also lot of research us going on solid fuels. Will keep you...
  18. L

    New weapons for IAF - Glide Bomb, Anti-shipping missile & Cruise missile - to be tested this month

    When did I troll I just asked what your Sam systems consist of so that our IAF should fear your mightyyyyyyyy lr sam( don't know which one) and you came up with no answer.
  19. L

    New weapons for IAF - Glide Bomb, Anti-shipping missile & Cruise missile - to be tested this month

    Lol so tell me when your PA ambiguity is finished then our IAF will Fearr mighty Pakistani Sam systems. Lol
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