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  1. P

    Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

    You should educate yourself. NRC is not limited to Assam.
  2. P


    Pakistan came into being because of the struggle by the Bengalis. Gujaratis, Sindis and Punjabis are just side show.
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    Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

    My kids are older than the those students who are protesting. I am all for protesting but there should be a goal, cause and reason. Also, They should first attend their classes and protest over weekends. They have their priorities all messed up. I feel for their parents. How is CAA impacting...
  4. P

    India’s Muslims an excuse. Modi govt also wants to take away Bahujans’(natives) power with CAA & NRC

    NRC is already part of the constitution. The only thing that any government can do is to delay it.
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    Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

    BS. CAA is only applicable to illegals. It has nothing to do with citizens of India. Now can someone tell me why are people in Hyderabad protesting? In the olden days, students use to skip classes to watch a movie. Now the trend is trend is to sit and party in middle of the roads. What a...
  6. P

    Which group would win a possible WW3

    Wasn't NATO brain dead already?
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    Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

    What is funny is that all these protesters can't even articulate what they are protesting for or about. These are a bunch losers partying on the roads in the name of protests to bunk/skip their school classes. At least the people of Assamese and North East have clarity on their demands and why...
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    Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

    I understand but @JonAsad was alluding to 25 people being killed. The closest number that we have for that is from UP and not Assam. People died in Karnataka & Assam but they are smaller in number when compared to UP. Firstly it is not CAB any more. It is CAA. People may die if they indulge...
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    Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

    You are mixing up. People died in UP protests not Assam protests.
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    Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

    They are agitating for freedom from the illegal Bangladeshi immigrants irrespective of their religion. Illegal Bengalis either needs to move to Bangladesh (unlikely) or West Bengal (most likely) This means Mamatha & TMC will go Kaput in future.
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    Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

    People agitating in Assam are predominantly Hindus not Muslims.
  12. P

    Azadi slogans raised by anti-CAB protesters in Assam

    That's one enthusiastic crowd asking for freedom from illegal Bengalis. Looks like Bengali people's days in Assam are now numbered.
  13. P

    BJP leader offers Indian citizenship to Pervez Musharraf

    Stop avoiding what? My understanding was that there was no cure for cancer. If you know I am happy to be educated. All I know is that leaders over here are promising to cure it. https://www.livescience.com/65717-biden-cancer-cure.html...
  14. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Firstly, You have to understand the reason why this BJP led government has passed CAA. Assam NRC which was done per the directions of the Supreme Court of India resulted in two things 1) The total number of illegal immigrants identified by Assam NRC turned out be only ~19,00,000 people. For...
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    BJP leader offers Indian citizenship to Pervez Musharraf

    Really? I thought you were trolling by putting some random questions. How are these even relevant to the topic being discussed here? Now you are sounding like Amitabh Bachchan on KBC asking GK questions. On a serious note, Frankly, I do not know the answers. If you know the answers, please...
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    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    CAA does not require any documentation as it has been drafted in that way by design. As I have explained earlier, it is next to impossible for the illegal immigrants to prove that they were persecuted in the countries of their origin (even if it were to be genuine ) 1) In many cases, the...
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    BJP leader offers Indian citizenship to Pervez Musharraf

    I thought General Musharraf was not in Pakistan. okay.
  18. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    I am not making any assumptions. There are already more 10 big state CMs who have declared that they would not entertain NRC in their state. Forget of about the proposed NRC, many states CMs are not even allowing NPR to start with. You are just assuming that PM Modi is all powerful. In...
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    BJP leader offers Indian citizenship to Pervez Musharraf

    For the first time in my life I think I fully agree with Dr Swamy. PM Modi should make a serious offer to General Musharraf immediately. Kargil does not count as a crime. It was a war. At the end of the day, General Musharraf is the son of the soil. GoI should provide citizenship, recognize...
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