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  1. P

    Muslim nations consider gold, barter trade to beat sanctions

    Unless these countries have gold mines to produce gold like China, you still need $$ to buy gold in the open market.
  2. P

    Gullible Indians Buying into Fake Propaganda on LOC

    It is easier to procure big ticket strategic items when compared to small tactical items. Do you know since how long Indian military has been waiting to get new rifles to replace its INSAS? Since 1999 Kargil war.
  3. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    I am a Christian.
  4. P

    Tejas Mark 1A to be superior to PAF’s F-16 blk 52 and JF-17 blk 3: ADA Chief

    Comparing non existent fighters and predicting future is foolish.
  5. P

    Gullible Indians Buying into Fake Propaganda on LOC

    LOC is considered as a war zone. Lack of equipment/gear is a procurement/logistics issue.
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    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    Thanks okay. Take it easy. Having fun is good for health. CAA does not specify since when they should be practicing the exempted religions. So yes, Illegal Muslims could covert and claim Indian citizenship on a fast track basis under CAA. With regards to Illegal non-Muslims embracing Islam...
  7. P

    Gullible Indians Buying into Fake Propaganda on LOC

    GoI does not credit based on the feelings of non Indians. Exactly. You are supporting my point. LOC & AGPL have always been and considered as a war zone. Only IB is treated differently and a non war zone.
  8. P

    Can Balkanization of India bring Human Development in South Asia?

    Just check how many languages India has. http://censusindia.gov.in/2011Census/C-16_25062018_NEW.pdf According to the most recent census of 2011, after thorough linguistic scrutiny, edit and rationalization on 19,569 raw linguistic affiliation, the census recognizes 1369 rationalized mother...
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    Can Balkanization of India bring Human Development in South Asia?

    I would say there is surely room for 100+ states.
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    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    I do not think the current OBCs, SCs & STs would allow the new Hindus to join them as they would lose reserved seats granted to them as part of affirmative action in India. So obviously the newly converted Hindus will fall under the general/forward caste category. With regards to cow urine...
  11. P

    India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

    I do not have to ask anyone since I know the facts. The fact is they are protesting now to ensure illegals who obtain citizenship under CAA would not be allowed to live in Assam.
  12. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    It is not my opinion but the feelings of different people/groups across India. There is no single concern in India with regards to CAA and/or NRC. Each state/group have their own different perspectives and concerns.
  13. P

    India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

    CAA was only passed few weeks ago while detentions camps in Assam were in construction for many months now. Now tell me why there were not protesting against detention camps prior to CAA?
  14. P

    CAA and Ghar Wapsi

    I did not justify anything. I fully support the CAA though I wish it included amnesty to all illegal immigrants living in India.
  15. P

    Indian government a terrorist state

    Do you hear about any Hindu-Christian riots in India? Christians are fully safe. Christianity is the fastest growing religion in India and would become the majority religion in the next few decades.
  16. P

    India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

    Then what was the reason for conducting NRC in Assam? No other state did or plans to do an NRC at this point of time. Assam is the only state that is constructing the detention camps. The whole Assam agitation back in the 1970s resulted in Assam accord which promised and led to NRC in Assam...
  17. P

    Saudi Arabia rejects reports it pressurised Pakistan from attending KL Summit

    Unless IK/Pakistan comes out contradicting the Saudi statement, Saudi statement would be considered true. Actively being supported, advised and protected by the venerable ex-COAS of Pakistan. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
  18. P

    India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

    I was also talking about the same people protesting in the video and why they are protesting.
  19. P

    India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

    Huh! Assam is the only state which is constructing the detention camps. None of the other states in India are constructing any detention camps. Police is a state subject in India. If any illegals are going in to detention camps that certainly is going to happen in Assam first as the NRC...
  20. P

    India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam

    Just because it is AFP, does it makes it more reliable? As I said the tweet is very misleading. I do not think anyone died in Assam as part of the protests. Assamese are predominantly Hindus and their protests are mostly peaceful in nature. Most deaths occurred in the state of UP where the...
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