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  1. C

    Soros says Ukraine may be start of World War Three

    Everything happens for a reason. The reason is NATO tried to incorporate Ukraine. It's really that simple.
  2. C

    Soros says Ukraine may be start of World War Three

    The whole world would be nuked. Everybody will join the bloodbath.
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    PM Modi's success proves democracies can deliver committed to make India, US ties closest on the planet: Biden

    You just need to praise these numbs numbs, they are incompetent braggarts, easily manipulated by praise especially empty ones. But when WHO 'praised' them recently, they go nuts,.
  4. C

    PM Modi's success proves democracies can deliver committed to make India, US ties closest on the planet: Biden

    Erm 4 million dead, one year of destroyed economy, burning corpses everywhere and floating corpses in the Ganges and now a food crisis due to exports, success indeed.
  5. C

    US would intervene with military to defend Taiwan

    Let me know when US can take down fat boy Kim. Lolol Yes it is, the claimant should prtof his claim, it doesn't work the other way round matey.
  6. C

    US would intervene with military to defend Taiwan

    Might? Signals? Lolol. Until now, I still see no US boots on Ukrainian ground mate. Lolol And India is no China. India needs to asks Papa for permission to buy oil. Lolol 'The White House quickly downplayed the comments, saying they don't reflect a change in US policy. It's the third time in...
  7. C

    India Beats China To Emerge As World’s 3rd Strongest Air Force In New Rankings; Chinese Netizens Slam The Report

    S Serious? I forgot to keep track about India after 2020,cause I thought they wouldn't have much crashes due to Covid. Are they gonna blame the crash on covid now? Damn, they train pilots by crashing them? Lolol. Another Mig29? There is something really wrong about those migs.
  8. C

    Scott Morrison Concedes Defeat in Australian Election

    I believe the new PM is not as dumbass Scomo. He will be a silent ally like Jacinda and milk both ways. Tahts what China wanted anyway. Scomo was just blatantly anti China, we prefer a US lapdog who will also be open to Chinese trade. Australian had been a poodle since like forever, erbyrbody...
  9. C

    India Beats China To Emerge As World’s 3rd Strongest Air Force In New Rankings; Chinese Netizens Slam The Report

    They like to self masturbate then shout when shit happens. Look at the current food crisis in India. Lol
  10. C

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    So how are we screwing them? Do they get killed or invaded? We are facilitating trade for them to get dollars, if they start using rmb, it would be smoother, its just business Jose, we don't owe anybody anything, we are risking our ties with the West for Russia because of geopolitical...
  11. C

    India's agriculture exports cross $50 bn in FY22, the highest ever, says Commerce Ministry

    Ooo want me to start on cow dung consumption, corpses and roadkill? Lol.
  12. C

    India's agriculture exports cross $50 bn in FY22, the highest ever, says Commerce Ministry

    Well we do acknowledged famines happens but the magnitude is mostly exaggerated, anyway what does something happening 60 /70years ago got go do with Indias stupidity? We experienced famine first hand and now has one of the world's best food storage systems. You mean you need Indians to starve...
  13. C

    India's agriculture exports cross $50 bn in FY22, the highest ever, says Commerce Ministry

    Fertilizrr? Since when do we even export potash mate. Btw, don't you feel embarrassed doing a u turn after bragging to the world about how India can provide supplies and then suddenly banning exports. Lolol Now now now, don't egt agitated, we know how some of you ate roadkill during covid...
  14. C

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Let me explain to you Economics, oil in the ground is just dirt if not extracted and sold. We helped them bypass sanctions and US is happy buying from us as middle men. You think they don't know it was Venezuelan oil. The same goes for Russian oil, you think Europe doesn't know they are buying...
  15. C

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Well how do you define cheap? Oil was 60-80$ last year, now they are selling to the Chinese and Indians at 80$ when world prices are 100$. We will continue to prop up Russia. This is one thing unifying Indians and Chinese, the right for freedom from western hegemony. A quarter of humanity is...
  16. C

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Yes Russia is the victim here and Ukraine the chess piece. India and China must never allow Russia to fall. Deep down I know India prefers a multipolar world despite the contempt for China.
  17. C

    Shanghai Residents "Caged In" With Green Fencing To Prevent Them From Leaving Their Homes

    It's just mathematics mate. Let me explain to you in simple terms. On average US is having 100k cases and around 300 dead due to omicron. So the death rate is around 0.3%, now multiply it to 1.4bil Chinese, we are looking at 1 million + to 4 mil deaths. By end of 2022,US is looking at additional...
  18. C

    India's agriculture exports cross $50 bn in FY22, the highest ever, says Commerce Ministry

    If you can't see a crisis coming then your leaders must be pretty dumb. Alot of major food producers are controlling exports due to fertiliser supply, yet dumb Indians were exporting it. Now we see these braggarts retracting and facing a crisis. Lololol
  19. C

    India's agriculture exports cross $50 bn in FY22, the highest ever, says Commerce Ministry

    Autocratic to be exact, China is not a dictatorship, decision in China is made by a Council of people not just Xi. Anyway, a smart leader plans ahead and see crisis coming and does the best for his country. India leaders boast and talks and sells food when the people are starving. You might...
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