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  1. Reconquerer

    Deutzsche bank bankrupt?

    I just googled "Rutte and Deutsche Bank", I still don't know what you're talking about... Why would the Dutch gov bail out a German bank?
  2. Reconquerer

    Deutzsche bank bankrupt?

    Are we really talking about the youtube video of a granny about the liquidity of Deutzsche Bank? Give me a break...
  3. Reconquerer

    Turkish domestic SUV will be unveiled in next Friday

    Tesla is selling its Model 3 in Europe starting from 45k€, and the company is still making no money, so its impossible to sell a X3/GLC/Tiguan like car for 11k... Where can I find a test video? Only video I’ve found is Erdo driving it...
  4. Reconquerer

    Turkish domestic SUV will be unveiled in next Friday

    Could someone please post the link to the crashtest video, I can't find it. Thanks!
  5. Reconquerer

    Turkish domestic SUV will be unveiled in next Friday

    As far as I know, their car is the most important thing in live for a Turk, so hopefully they will be happy with their TOGG one day!:woot: It is very difficult to make money with BEVs, so the investors need a lot of standing power, btw did Tesla already break even? And regarding the...
  6. Reconquerer

    How far does anti-Turkish feeling go in Germany?

    True words from the European Parliament: "As Ottoman scientists wrote, the Turks are intellectual barbarians, despicable, tricksters and dirty. The Turk is like the dog that plays the wild one, but runs away when fighting the enemy. The only effective way to deal with the Turk is the fist and...
  7. Reconquerer

    How far does anti-Turkish feeling go in Germany?

    Still no example where we shat on turks!:blah: You can't deliver one... Anyway, looks like the turkish party comes to an end in Europe within the next five to ten years... #sosad :lol:
  8. Reconquerer

    How far does anti-Turkish feeling go in Germany?

    Please explain where we shat on you? Speaking about the guestworkers from 1960s, you had exactly the same chances the Italian, Spanish and Greece people had, so why is there so much trouble with turks allover Europe?
  9. Reconquerer

    How far does anti-Turkish feeling go in Germany?

    Could you explain how we tried to shit on turks?
  10. Reconquerer

    How far does anti-Turkish feeling go in Germany?

    It's not a German problem, does anyone remember that catastrophe from the Netherlands, a couple of years ago? They had all the chances under the sun, but they completely messed up. Wherever they are in Europe, EVERYONE HATES TURKS! It could be so easy to solve the problem, just kick them out...
  11. Reconquerer

    Shooting and arson attack at mosque in France

    There is a joke in German: Parts of the city with many Italians, you call little Italy, parts of the city with many Japanese, you call little Tokyo, parts of the city with many Chinese, you call China town, and parts of the city with many muslims, you call no-go-area. It's sadly true, these...
  12. Reconquerer

    Huge Turkish Army - Tiny European Armies including French Army

    Haha okay, if you consider each fucking Döner Kebab shop a company, there are maybe over 70.000... In majority the integration of turks has failed all over Europe, they're here now in the third generation, they still clean restrooms and deliver parcels, the German word "Türken-Job" for...
  13. Reconquerer

    Huge Turkish Army - Tiny European Armies including French Army

    And to proof your point you give me five links where members of the government had to take a replacement plane because there were minor problems with the plane they were supposed to take in the first place? Really?
  14. Reconquerer

    Turkey's Erdogan moves to sue French Le Point magazine

    What a load of rubbish is that?
  15. Reconquerer

    Huge Turkish Army - Tiny European Armies including French Army

    I couldn't care less about our army, but as I told the other clown already, we have the 8th biggest military budget in the world, so things shouldn't be too bad... What do we need a strong army for, we don't have enemies, we are surrounded by friends, unlike turkey that messed up with all its...
  16. Reconquerer

    Huge Turkish Army - Tiny European Armies including French Army

    Wir haben den 8. größten Verteidigungsetat der Welt, die Deutsche Truppe ist wesentlich besser als sie gemacht wird. btt this is a joke isn't it? 1096??? It's 923 years ago!:woot: If I remember correctly they were kettled in by Assads starving sandalled AK47 soldiers... oh you can bet your...
  17. Reconquerer

    Huge Turkish Army - Tiny European Armies including French Army

    Turkey has the best army in the world, no doubt about it, they never won a war, but anyway, it's by far the best army in the world!:woot:
  18. Reconquerer

    Turkey's Erdogan moves to sue French Le Point magazine

    Ich bin überhaupt kein Merkel Fan, aber warum sollte mein Land zur globalen Lachnummer geworden sein???
  19. Reconquerer

    Paris Migrant Camps: Asylum seekers left living on the streets

    Oh god damn, it's even worse then here in Germany. Just send these losers back to the shitholes they came from!
  20. Reconquerer

    Turkey's Erdogan moves to sue French Le Point magazine

    Haha, like all turks, little Erdo seems to be very thin-skinned. It just reminds me when Jan Böhmermann called him a goatfucker, he was crying like a baby and begged Merkel to silence Böhmermann...:yahoo:
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