Trains can go as fast as 120Km/h which only happens when running late. Normally Lahore to Rawalpindi is speed limit is 105 km/h and 80 km/h in the mountainous region starting after Lala Musa. Lahore to Karachi has a slightly higher speed up to 113-115km/h. Under CPEC they are planning to improve...
No: 7 post is just amazing. This guy and a few other senior citizens including women gather daily at liberty chowk lahore (pictured above) in the evening and they distribute pamphlets which have patriotic slogans written on them. I salute them whenever I pass from there usually when I am going...
In one of the picture it says that ML-1 which is main line 1 running from karachi to peshawar will be upgraded. I have heard that china is investing 3$ billion in railways. what will be the status of ML-1 after this upgrade ? I mean speed, time attained ?