Nooo, the threat is not from mullas, its from the faults which are in our system and our weak policies.....
The americas is not our friend, they want to achieve their strategic goals with the help of pakistan.
Befor giving comments over the contemporary situation and position of PAKISTAN in the international community one must go into the depths of the war stratigy imposed on muslims throughout the world, is this an ideological war or a war for resources. Must study the american, jews and west think...
Pakistan is a power not a weak state, those who are under estimating us are in superiority complex.
Pakistan is full of all strengths, and the biggest strength is the ideology.
The end of the Cold War and the demise of the Soviet communist empire have shown the dominance of liberal democracy and capitalism over all other possible alternatives. The emerging ``New World Order`` has been characterized by the collapse of communism and the global demand for democracy...