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  1. Cell_DbZ

    Salah Abdeslam trial: Paris attacks suspect lambasts 'anti-Muslim bias'

    Let's just cut him in half! How about that @Vergennes ? It was abosulte no surprise that he was going to act like that, blaming 'racism' was also the expected excuse, of course he didn't mention his own failure to assimilate, his failure as a person and failure of his weak mind. I understand...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    Europe must brake mounting nuclear arms race: Germany

    The majority of American nukes are tactical nukes, meaning they have a much smaller warhead and are intended to use in an actual battlefield. Damage created by such waepons is limited (of course still devestating). The French and the British have enough strategical nukes (the big ones) to wipe...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

    Ah, I see you are woke! 'A few hunderd/thousand' people killed obvioulsy isn't enough enough! (I am pretty sure it is more than just 'a few hunderd') Sorry didn't know that! Guess I do need a good sleep over it! :sarcastic: Nice argument. There's a difference between having an opinion and...
  4. Cell_DbZ

    BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

    'Collateral damage' my @ss There are many reports of 'rebels' enslaving, raping and murdering innocent civilians. - There are credible reports of your moderate rebels using child soldiers as early in 2012, even heavily biased sources against Assad say as such - one of such a source...
  5. Cell_DbZ

    BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

    Israel has nukes; they will take you down with them. Economical sanctions did the trick it seems. I hope you apply the same logic whenever the 'rebels' kill innocent civilians themselves. In Chechnya's case they were actual terrorists. The de facto dicatorship government completely neglected...
  6. Cell_DbZ

    BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

    Russian pilot reportedly resisted with pistol, when militants attempted capture; died fighting. http://www.dw.com/en/syria-rebels-shoot-down-russian-jet-kill-pilot-monitor/a-42442483
  7. Cell_DbZ

    Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides

    Here you are pointing your finger to someone being rasict and yet you're attacking someone solely based on his nationality after he said something you might not agree with...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    Illegal migrant killed fleeing from police across the motorway in Belgium

    Migrant killed fleeing from police across the motorway at Jabbeke Tue 30/01/2018 - 09:19 CDC A migrant believed to be attempting to reach the UK illegally via Belgium has been run over and killed at motorway services at Jabbeke on the E40 Brussels Ostend motorway outside Bruges. The incident...
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides

    Ah yes, my forefather did that sh1t, so I should pay for it of course! How could I forget that? I guess you weren't playing the victim card enough...:cray:
  10. Cell_DbZ

    Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides

    Ah yes, forgot about that, our forefather once did nasty stuff!. Please forgive us!:hitwall:. How can we be so islamophobic, rasict, sexist, xenophobic and fascist?!?:cray: Please forgive us for our ignorance, take our houses and clothes if you want, because we have to pay of our debts!!!:agree...
  11. Cell_DbZ

    Russian Navy Submarine Got Fire During Exercise at Vladivostok Submarine Base...

    Just because there's a fire, I don't think that this is an indication of a sub being better or worse, rather poor maitenance or personal error (or it was in fact a drill, but I don't really believe that). Russia still has plenty of old submarines in service, thus they are more vunerable to such...
  12. Cell_DbZ

    Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides

    I meant to say that the source was in the DUTCH LANGUAGE. In Belgium, the majority speaks Dutch soo... :disagree: The source one of the biggest MSM media in Belgium and are pretty relaible (as far as MSM is concerned), it's part of 'De Persgroep', which is active in Belgium, the Netherlands...
  13. Cell_DbZ

    Russian Navy Submarine Got Fire During Exercise at Vladivostok Submarine Base...

    The Russian navy claimed the fire was 'a drill' :flame: https://navaltoday.com/2018/01/21/major-fire-at-vladivostok-submarine-base-is-a-drill-russian-navy-says/
  14. Cell_DbZ

    Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides

    • Last Saturday a birthday party went completely out of hand. An 18-year-old German and an 18-year-old Syrian got in a fight. When agents intervened, someone called out: "Foreigners outside". • Two hours later it came to an exchange of words between five Germans and two persons of foreign...
  15. Cell_DbZ

    Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides

    Tensions still high: renewed conflicts in Cottbus between locals and foreigners Two knife attacks within a matter of days led Cottbus to stop taking in new asylum seekers last week. Over the weekend police had to intervene in two apparent cases of a racist backlash. Police have upped patrols...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    Second face transplant for Frenchman in world-first

    I'm glad to see science moving forward, in no small part because of France.
  17. Cell_DbZ

    Turkey is playing a dangerous game...

    First of I want to say that Turkey is a country with its own interests, like any other one and I definitely don't like Turkey when it solely comes to (geo)politics. In this case I defend the Turkish position, however. I have the sense you're thinking too much in black/white terms. The Turks...
  18. Cell_DbZ

    U.S. approves possible sale of F-35 jets to Belgium for $6.5 billion

    U.S. approves possible sale of F-35 jets to Belgium for $6.5 billion WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Friday said it has approved the possible sale of 34 Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 jets to Belgium for $6.53 billion, a potential new customer for the No. 1 U.S. defense...
  19. Cell_DbZ

    PAKFA vs F-22

    Not to mention that the Russians probably have different requirements for their Su-57 compared to the Americans with their F-22...
  20. Cell_DbZ

    Reported rapes in Sweden up by 10 percent

    No, Sweden doesn't do that. I think there are serveral causes of the increased reportings of rape. - A quite obvious reason of increased reports could be because there are more cases of rapes for whatever reasons. - Another reason is because people recently found the courage to report rapes...
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