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  1. Cell_DbZ

    Belgium to buy F-35s

    Belgium to buy F-35s F-35 13:06 The Belgian government has opted for the American F-35 fighter jet to succeed the country's fleet of F-16s. Belgium will purchase the F-35A Lightning II produced by Lockheed Martin. The plane ended top of a competition with the Thyphoon. Belgium is...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    Terrorist leader loses Belgian nationality

    Terrorist leader loses Belgian nationality Fouad Belkacem, leader of Sharia4Belgium It was in 2015 that Fouad Belkacem was sentenced to 12 years in jail and fined 300,000 euros following a conviction for being the leader of a terrorist outfit. Belgium then started the procedure to remove...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    Trump confirms US to pull out of nuclear treaty with Russia

    Trump confirms US to pull out of nuclear treaty with Russia 21:54, UK, Saturday 20 October 2018 Image: Donald Trump claims Russia has violated the terms of the 1987 treaty President Donald Trump has said the US will pull out of a nuclear treaty with Russia because Moscow has violated the...
  4. Cell_DbZ

    Technician Accidentally Fires Vulcan Cannon And Destroys An F-16 On The Ground In Belgium Thread st

    Actually it is not his fault. . . The Vulcan cannon wasn't supposed to work :sarcastic:
  5. Cell_DbZ

    Two women coming back from pro migrants rally... are assaulted by three minor migrants...

    Yeah, I don't buy you want to stand up to 'unethical behavior' :lol::omghaha:. Your -32 rating says it all; you have been breaking the rules more than anyone else here on this thread combined. I think think you're just full of it. There are several Muslim people joining in the discussion in...
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Two women coming back from pro migrants rally... are assaulted by three minor migrants...

    I also do not need to take your 'advice' what the most logical road is. Again this is the Europe/Russia section. If you're really bother by this, then go do something about it and take it up with 'the higher ups' i.e. the moderators. It would be more effective than complaining and venting your...
  7. Cell_DbZ

    Two women coming back from pro migrants rally... are assaulted by three minor migrants...

    This thread is in the section 'Europe/Russia' people post things that's about said parts of the world, including immigration, people can post whatever they want. Nobody cares what the most 'effective means' are. Believe it or not, we're not all vigilantes trying to change the world, we simply...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    Two women coming back from pro migrants rally... are assaulted by three minor migrants...

    First of all, I don't mind immigration and helping the ones in need. Open door policies is too far me. You know what I do to 'speak out' against it? Vote for someone else. I 'complain' wherever I want, you don't get to tell me what to do. First of all, I never said I am 'anti-migrant', of...
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Two women coming back from pro migrants rally... are assaulted by three minor migrants...

    Here, have a chill pill: I was just joking, okay? Why do I have to take anything up to anyone? what kind kind of argument is that? Perhaps you should stop your complaining too and 'take it up to the local government', oh wait, they are all Islamaphobes, racist and xenophobes, I forgot, please...
  10. Cell_DbZ

    Two women coming back from pro migrants rally... are assaulted by three minor migrants...

    Hey now! You can't go say things like that, you racist!
  11. Cell_DbZ

    French rapper investigated for call to 'hang white people'

    It's really good we have that law. I just feel like that way of thinking is more acceptable and is supported by various MSM, which seems to influence the law sometimes...
  12. Cell_DbZ

    Tsunami hits Palu Indonesia!

    Indonesia death toll soars above 800, disaster agency confirms, Could reach into 'thousands' By Sallyann Nicholls with Reuters• last updated: 30/09/2018 At least 832 people have been killed after a 7.5-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami rocked the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on...
  13. Cell_DbZ

    French rapper investigated for call to 'hang white people'

    That's not what I meant to say, I worded that poorly. What I wanted to say was that certain groups are 'protected' from getting cracked down upon when they would break said hate speech law, not per say by the government or other instances, but by people who call themselves progressive. For...
  14. Cell_DbZ

    French rapper investigated for call to 'hang white people'

    I agree, it's either all wrong or none of it is. Certain groups get away with much more than others, all in the name of 'social justice' or 'progressivism'.
  15. Cell_DbZ

    Russia's Project 885M Yasen-M Submarine Kazan Started Sea Trials

    Russia's Project 885M Yasen-M Submarine Kazan Started Sea Trials POSTED ON SATURDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER 2018 10:27 The lead Yasen-M-class Kazan nuclear cruise missile submarine (SSGN) of project 885M sailed into the open sea for factory trials on September 24, Malakhit Design Bureau CEO Vladimir...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    Belgium to sue Google for not blurring military sites

    Belgium to sue Google for not blurring military sites The Belgian Defense Ministry had requested the tech giant to blur satellite images of sensitive military sites. Several other countries have expressed national security concerns over Google Maps in the past. Belgium has said it will take...
  17. Cell_DbZ

    Breaking News | F-35 military plane crashes in coastal South Carolina...

    It was a F-35B belonging to the US Marine Corps. Pilot ejected, futher status of him is unclear. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/23912/marine-corps-f-35b-has-crashed-near-mcas-beaufort-in-south-carolina Update: The pilot is found and will get treatment for his injuries. The aircraft...
  18. Cell_DbZ

    Germany wins right to host Euro 2024 over Turkey

    Germany wins right to host Euro 2024, as Turkey loses another bidding race By PA Sport 21 hours agoUpdated 18 hours ago UEFA’s leadership backs Germany’s tried-and-tested ability to host big events, while Turkey lose for the fourth time in the last five Euro bids. Germany have won the right to...
  19. Cell_DbZ

    EU takes Poland to court over judicial reform

    EU takes Poland to court over judicial reform The EU Commission is suing Poland at the European Court of Justice for its decision to force judges to retire. Poland breached fundamental EU values in doing so, the EU says The European Commission issued a statement on Monday saying Poland's...
  20. Cell_DbZ

    New evidence of British (GCHQ) espionage of Belgium's Belgacom surfaces

    Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. 21/09/2018 - 13:19 GCHQ behind 2013 Belgacom hacking? The Federal Judicial Authorities have almost finished their investigation into the hacking of the partly state-owned telecom operator Belgacom (now known as Proximus) in 2013. The...
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