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  1. Cell_DbZ

    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    1) I doubt the honesty of this one. Usa claims that 58/59 tomahawks hit, the Russian claim only 23 hit 2) Another claim is about what got destroyed: Mattis claimed 20% of SAA got taken out, while the Russians cite a number much lower than that. So let's start with 1: The first image is provided...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    Here’s which countries execute the most people

    Well, it is not like they need it anymore... :sarcastic: :butcher:
  3. Cell_DbZ

    US ship involved in accident.

    Here is a video of ACX Crystal movement. You can clearly see that the ACX Crystal was moving in a seemingly erractic way and thus is responsible (for a big part( of this accident. It also should be noted that the USS Fitzgerald is not shown on the radar map, apparantly this has to do with the...
  4. Cell_DbZ

    2 Bomb Blasts reported in Parachanaar...

    Horrible. I feel sorry for the innocent victims.
  5. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    I didn't start this comparison. If you want to compare a smaller country with Israel, you can use Belgium, but I think we would be going horribly off topic.
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    To be fair, since the revolution, Tunisia is rising, give them time and perhaps they can be a developed country in the future. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Tunisia Germany recieves a lot of aid, but they are also one of the biggest donors...
  7. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    It is clear that a 'commitment' has been given, perhaps no true 'promise' has been given to not expand, but mister Gorbachev explained himself the 'spirit' assurances of NATO has been broken, I think it is safe to say the Russians have a basis for mistrust of NATO. Technically NATO didn't...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    Germany Warns U.S. Against Ceding Lead Role to China, Russia

    Yet when we're talking about Nord Stream 2, they are quiet about 'Russian Influence'. Other countries are complaining about Nord Stream 2, because it would strengthen Russian influence in Europe.:omghaha...
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    With all due respect, but I am afraid that I do not know what your are now talking about. Well actually our discussion about Israeli arms export is also off topic from the original thread.
  10. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    It means a contract of 6.5 billion is signed in 2016, not necessarily that you recieved that 6.5 billion in 2016. Why are you suddenly including France? I don't understand. I feel we are going completly off topic here.
  11. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    I suppose you are reffering to this article: http://people.defensenews.com/top-100/ It states total defence revenue, not export revenue. Israel also buys from its own companies, so it cannot be considered 'export'.
  12. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    The difference I believe is that you stated contracts, while I stated annual revenue. For example, you sign a arms contract worth of 5 billion (lets say tanks, each worth 10 million, in total 500). Then you recieve 100 per year over a course of 5 years, then each year you will pay 1 billion.
  13. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    https://www.indexmundi.com/facts/ukraine/arms-exports http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL.XPRT.KD?locations=IL-UA
  14. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    The source Wikipedia used: http://armstrade.sipri.org/armstrade/page/toplist.php Another one: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL.XPRT.KD?locations=IL Your source?
  15. Cell_DbZ

    US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

    I have found this article, I do not claim this is reliable news Turkey and Russia to deploy in Syria’s Idlib: Turkey Reuters | Published — Thursday 22 June 2017 The Clock Tower of the Idlib city, Syria. (Reuters) ANKARA: Turkish and Russian personnel will be deployed in Syria’s northern Idlib...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    I have given the link, but for your confort I will again.
  17. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    So now you rely on the usa on (free) weapons? I think you no longer have the right to talk 'trash' about other countries. I do not doubt the quality of Israeli technology, but to say they can do everything themselves is not really believable to me. You have a nice arms industry, certainly for...
  18. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    Other countries have smart people too, you need money and Israel may not have that.
  19. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    That's acually a bigger problem, countries with money can in theory gain the ability, if you don't have money, you're busted.
  20. Cell_DbZ

    Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

    F-35 is mainly Lockheed Martin, not Israeli. Your point? There a not many countries who can create their own weapons on (almost) all areas, Israel can create their own tanks, but they need assistance with SAM, jets,... in fact only the USA can do that, while Russia and China can do this on many...
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