This situation is bad for all. There is an overlapping area in the delimitation of the EEZ between Vietnam and Indonesia, but it seems that the Indonesian side does not want to sit down to discuss the redistricting with the Vietnamese side. Because, sometime, the Indonesian navy bites the...
I don't know Indonesian, I know very little English, but I use fluently Google translate :D. Thank Google.
About coffee production, I am not an expert to give any advice. Perhaps the desire to earn for living on little land has made Vietnamese farmers more effort and innovative.
I really do not understand what you say?
But you really are not Indonesian, just next sentences, all the despicable properties of the typical Chinese will appear clearly.
With low productivity, only 1/6 of Vietnam, with a large population, with demand for coffee increased by 8% a year, soon Indonesia will not have coffee for export.
Mày đúng là một thằng điên.
+) Tuyên truyền hữu hảo là toàn toàn vô nghĩa khi trung quốc vẫn quyết tâm chiếm đảo của Việt Nam, chèn ép để chiếm vùng đặc quyền biển của Việt Nam.
+) Chỗ này toàn thằng ăn tục nói phét.
+) Bắc Nam một nhà, đừng tuyên truyền kích động chia rẽ Việt Nam nữa.
+) Nếu...
Chinese people always have to fake something (here is the false flag), always showing lots of people and lots of money. See the picture above there are many people?