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  1. L

    Why India's Most Populous State Just Passed a Law Inspired by an Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theory

    Likewise does the madrasas teach you these cooked up stories about Hindus or your parents teach you from infant? Nevermind it was a rhetorical question. Everyone knows the answer
  2. L

    Why India's Most Populous State Just Passed a Law Inspired by an Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theory

    Cause we are neither Pakistan nor China to gas the minorities. If all the bills are looked through Muslim lens then India will become Pakistan, weak and broken.
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    Infosys, Rolls-Royce ink strategic partnership for aerospace engineering in India

    This is great news. Especially for UK coming out of Brexit.
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    More than 1,000 Chinese researchers associated with the PLA have left the US amid crackdown on espionage

    Too late, but anyway, at least now they've realized these spies and kicking them out.
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    Why India's Most Populous State Just Passed a Law Inspired by an Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theory

    That is a very important law. I hope it's passed across other states and UT Next on the agenda should be - Population control bill Uniform Civil Code NRC NPR If BJP passes these bills then they'll be back again in 2024
  6. L

    Doom for Indian and Australia from a resurgent China in the Biden era

    There were nations around the world who based on observing your nations behaviour must have thought "Thank God!! I don't have a rogue neighbor like China. Poor India, Japan, Taiwan, Vietman, Philippines etc are all being bullied by this nation". But you made sure to change that opinion too...
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    India ridiculous to clamor about China-Pakistan MOU

    That is the same mind voice of each Taiwanese about Mainland China
  8. L

    Doom for Indian and Australia from a resurgent China in the Biden era

    Like I said you people won't understand what Bravery is. All you can do is bully, debt trap, threaten etc. 2020 Wuhan Virus operation of yours has irreversibly damaged PRC image forever, don't worry it wasn't good anyway before that.
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    Doom for Indian and Australia from a resurgent China in the Biden era

    That is called bravery and not abandoning your right to serve and protect the country when an enemy is trying to invade his/her motherland. Chinese won't understand bravery, if they did they won't have such a bad opinion in the world right now!!
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    Doom for Indian and Australia from a resurgent China in the Biden era

    Yes, India and Australia are very very scared of PRC. :rofl:
  11. L

    BJP leader "Vote for BJP if you want to destroy Muslims"

    Likewise for people from the opposite camp. See before anyone preaches anything they should first follow what they preach else it's just a comedy. Haven't you heard of infamous blasphemy laws against poor innocent minorities?
  12. L

    BJP leader "Vote for BJP if you want to destroy Muslims"

    No country will allow traitors on its soil which is what his party and government are accomplishing. He still has a long journey in the PM seat. Looks like most likely till 2029 and if still, other parties are incompetent then his reign will continue.
  13. L

    India: It refuses to be part of China’s 'One Belt, One Road' at SCO

    No country worth its salt will join a pact with an enemy that is deliberately violating its sovereignty. OBOR is a pure debt trap nothing special or extraordinary about it.
  14. L

    'Stealing our culture': South Koreans upset after China claims kimchi as its own

    Not at all surprised! Pretty soon they'll start claiming Australia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Antarctica, Moon, Mars, Solar System, our Universe, and Multiverse. Their claims have no limit.:cuckoo:
  15. L

    Why China is so tough in this China-India border tension? Vietnam and other countries should know the reason

    This gentleman tombstone says was killed at the Indian border in June 2020 First, you say ZERO PLA soldiers were killed only Indians. While India claims no they too had casualties and was more than India's. US Intelligence also confirms this. Full-on denial mode by PLA and PRC. Few months...
  16. L

    Why China is so tough in this China-India border tension? Vietnam and other countries should know the reason

    It does matter a great deal. Too weak to do anything about it? China had more casualties than India in Galwan valley (OSNIT says so). Why did the PLA retreat from Galwan when they had the upper hand and not stick to their version of LAC? 1962? Have you heard about 1967, 1987, 2013, 2017 - PLA...
  17. L

    China demands probe into Aussies’ crimes of murdering 39 Afghan civilians in Afghanistan

    That is maybe true to some extent the reason is because PRC does not allow free press/media for the information to flow through naturally out of the country only CCP news are published. Overt and Covert Intelligence is the only way for the outside world to know what's exactly happening there. In...
  18. L

    India’s anti-Muslim fake news factories are following the anti-Semitic playbook

    You must be Joking! Two nation theory was between India and Pakistan. India decided to become a secular country for all religions and Pakistan a communal Islamic country just for Muslims. If two-nation theory was a success you should ideally have east Pakistan today and Bangladesh should have...
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    China demands probe into Aussies’ crimes of murdering 39 Afghan civilians in Afghanistan

    All I hear is a fancy justification for converting ethnic Turkic Uyghur, Kazakhs, and Kyrgyz culture into Han culture by enforcing them into concentration camps and committing Nazi type human rights violations. Fortunately, the US has woken up from its sleep and taken note of what's happening...
  20. L

    China demands probe into Aussies’ crimes of murdering 39 Afghan civilians in Afghanistan

    I'm not saying India is good at protecting human rights but they are far far better than PRC. As a matter of fact, all countries would've violated human rights at some point in time, no one can deny that. Each country draws inspiration from examples set by others. Perhaps South Asia is just...
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