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    Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

    the death and distruction on our side of b'stan is far greater then ur side and we are fighting a full scale war along the afg border last thing we need is iranians shooting at our soldiers hope u understand there are other unfriendly forces in the region too

    Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

    ur dp says it all

    Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

    talking about war is pure and simple nonsence and indeed iran is our brotherly country but the situation has gone very tricky here coz these bastards actually come from afg and run back to afg after hitting us recently we fired at them to which afg govt complained that pakistan was firing...

    Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

    i believe all parties i.e ind pak iran & afg have a point and engaging in this kinda trash talk wont get us anywhere.. we all have made mistakes and here we should be discussing how to create an environment of diminished suspisions and of a better understanding of what went wrong in our region...
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