Numbers without strategy are just decoys.
Your strategy of Surgical Strike 1.0 & 2.0
How it ended is a testament.
If you eager to Pay it by Blood then shut down your fake media & Stop luring like jackals
It takes heart to take a bullet in the chest.
But this surgical strikes will led your forces...
Its useless to argue about these things.
My conversation headed inclined ,
The conversation began with statement of Erdogan's reaction.
& Then opinion started taking sides.
Bottom line
The person who is responsible of death of 50 people
he did this blood sport and recorded like his playing...
For instance 1, Some criminal took his life within the prison.
For instance 2, Food poisoning him.
For instance 3, He took his own life within the cell *Nobody knows how he did*
Abstractions of Spy agencies is not predictable.
Fake surgical Strike Strategist, Got Butt hurt and dictating others...
Let us wait and see if the conviction will be based on Law defined by Aus & NZ
where they give right to live to every living being hence there is no death penalty.
Pressure on west was necessary to make exception, Erdogan did right.
All it takes for any intelligence agency to trigger a plan to...
In Middle East
When asked someone from Baluchistan or Kashmir, They say often we are Kahmiri, or Baluchi
But if they ask Pathan , 100% of them will tell you , i am Pakistani.
The Pakistani's who wear Shalwar Kamiz worldwide - from...