Guys honestly i am also concerned about the warhead size , that explosion above the car cannot kill the people inside so easily. I am however so glad this will be benefit our ground operation as a huge step up.
Ahmet kardesim burada bence hic biri Islam dusmani degildir, ve o aziniklarin bir kismi Osmanli zamanindan dan kalma ve Osmanli devlet tarafindan koruma altina gecmistir. Yoksa Osmanliya aykiri olur boyle onlarin hepsini tehdit olarak gorursek
It seems that france wants to let the usa stay longer in syria and now this pkk maybe removed from terror list. TURKEY is the endgame. We are the target. Some retards cheered when usa uk and france hit syria last week.
Trump wanted to pull out of Syria but some others wants to stay , so this false flag keeps them there.
Assad is on a winningstreak why would he use chemicals at this moment and after the backlash of the previous attacks