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  1. blackeyes90

    Turkey is playing a dangerous game...

    "We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region." Really? Whats the plan ? Because nobody in Turkey has any idea ?
  2. blackeyes90

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    My advice is dont sink in their level. When i see the conversations on liveua i get disgusted. If you wanna do something to counter the PKK propaganda thats great ! But dont do it the way they do! Because they a bunch of morons pretending to be a "Hero" . And you and I , we are better than that !
  3. blackeyes90

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Bu şekilde düşünmemek lazım. Olay oy atmaya gelince Türk milleti konservatiftir. Eskiyi devam ettirmeyi ister. Yenilik demek sıkıntı , stres demektir o insanlar için. O yüzden daha dikkatli olmak gerek bence.
  4. blackeyes90

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Dostum şu resmi düzeltsen olur mu? Sayfayı kaplıyor resmen ?
  5. blackeyes90

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Şu Sözcüdeki videoyu izleyince Afrin operasyonunun neden şimdi yapıldığını daha iyi anlıyorum. Bu operasyon bence Suriyeden çok seçime yönelik bir hamle. Haziran yada kasımda seçim olma ihtimali yüksek deniyor. Lütfen izleyin arkadaşlar Uğur Dündarın en son programından parça. Ve son olarak...
  6. blackeyes90

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    So what? They look okay. Whats wrong with it ?
  7. blackeyes90

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Güzelim bunların hiçbiri resmi açıklama değil ? Bunun farkındasın değil mi ?
  8. blackeyes90

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    22'sinde deniliyor ama ?
  9. blackeyes90

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    I also read about our tanks. They will be ready in March 2018. But AKKOR issue , i dont know. Its been a while so i coudnt find the source.
  10. blackeyes90

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    İşte budur.
  11. blackeyes90

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    I think its best to not share fake or unconfirmed news about Afrin operation. Its a sensitive subject.
  12. blackeyes90

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Atalay who is this man ? Why do you think he is credible person for such news ? This looks like amatuer job to me !!!
  13. blackeyes90

    Israel-Europe gas pipeline MoU signed

    Did you had a stoke ?
  14. blackeyes90

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Oğlum daha 33 mesajın var uğraştığın adama bir bak! 13000 küsür biraz saygın olsun karşındakine. Rüzgara doğru işiyorsun haberin yok !
  15. blackeyes90

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    so what i the verdict Cabatli ? Did you ban him ?
  16. blackeyes90

    Turkey: 39 killed in clashes between troops, Kurdish terrorists

    i think these photos are old. Goverment propaganda perhaps ? For controlling people ?
  17. blackeyes90

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    i really wanna know the US strategy after Post ISIS Syria. Because at somepoint their SOF has to retreat. Pentagon said this themself. So after capturing Abukamal and ending ISIS in Syria what do you think is gonna happen ? Rakka , hasake , Kamişli these cities are not content with Ypg. There...
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