I reiterate my point high IQ is not inborn at all, its just a matter of environment
About the Indian pharmaceutical industry, it is the largest generics industry in the world and we have really good biotech (as chemicals based medicine is not going to be that useful) startups as well. While I...
You are looking at a time when inflation rates (primarily due to lower oil prices) are low (more real income in the hands of the people) and hence property market would not be on fire as the cost of building houses is low and the current valuations are high....... but there is a lot of latent...
Come out of the cold war mindset...... this is a world where everyone needs to maintain relations with everyone else and besides that India knows how to play competing interests..... after all democratic politics is all about about give and take and balancing competing interests...... so Indian...
These unemployable engineers run R&D centres for several MNCs around the world..... we have been global provider of medicines through our pharma industry..... we have been running a top notch medical tourism industry...... we make 22 million automobiles a year..........imagine the potential if...
Indians are argumentative (I think its a great thing rather than kowtowing to someone else....... besides you seem to have a Indian genes as well as you are quiet good argumentation and I am loving it).. because we are a democracy and we would argue. Why do you feel things have not changed...
That does not mean he is an expert either..... and also it does not mean that society remains stagnant... as I pointed out earlier, Max Weber "father of modern sociology" had written in early 1920s that China and India would never prosper because of their society.... and yet they did..... that...
Are the Chinese go back to China? Also is Lee god who can never be wrong?
And what about people like Weber who said China and India will never develop in the 1920s being wronged in the 1990s and 2000s
You are assuming a lot of things in your analysis above..... which is not true. Let me point out the facts:
1. India has been growing at average 7% per annum in the past twenty years since the reforms of the nineties
2. You consider India's stats to be a lie... but would happily buy China's...
Replace China with India in the above quote and you have the same story...... we had many foretelling the breakup of India as late as the 1980s...... today we have a cohesive and focused country..... we may appear to be argumentative and we certainly are much more noisy but I think we are moving...
Would you have said the same thing about Chinese workers (when they had lower productivity than today) in the 1970s. Times change and with that people/culture and nations change too
The Indian diaspora is smaller than China, does it mean the Chinese led the trend of leaving their own country...
yes........ agreed like all indirect taxes......... but it will widen the tax net which can boost the revenues even without a high tax rate and it will avoid cascading effect of taxes on taxes and simplify the tax administration
What were the Chinese doing with RD 120 engines in the 1990s when they had already mastered this tech in the 1970s and 1980s or was it that you were busy supplying parts to other countries' space program but didn't know how to build one for themselves
What is Pakistan's legal case for Kashmir? Did the State of Kashmir sign an instrument of accession with you? The UN resolutions are issued under chapter VI of the UN Charter which is recommendatory and not binding in nature
Can you make out legal case for Pakistan's claim on Kashmir?