That Samsung is similar in function as the US ATAK (Android Tactical Assault Kit). The US originally also use Samsung until it was replace by iPhone which I believe due to adherent to the spirit of Buy American, Hire American thus Make America Great Again
And that phone (including ATAK) is...
If you intent to use the phone for 5 years or longer (which is my practice) get something that has wide selection of after market parts & accessories. I've made a mistake by favoring Sony (Xperia X10mini & Zperia Z3) before, and as it turn out there isn't any after market parts available for...
It won't work here.
Our monetary policy since the 2nd term of SBY era has been for stabilization rather than growth, although in the early days of JKW administration Jokowi did try to shifting it to growth but I believe people like ms. Mulyani advised against it. Hopefully it will pay out...
*sigh* no such thing as ASW radar because its defy the fundamental law of physic. Most radio wave band can't travel underwater, the only band that could travel underwater is ELF band even that is only use to queue sub to go to periscope depth so they could download message using either Sat or UHF
This may sound weird for you, but black mix with Woodland DPM isn't that bad during daylight. Daylight concealment is more about movement. Although I strongly agree its need to go with Olive Drab rather than black. However IF the other side have access to NVG, having black coloured gears will be...
Merely semantic. These days every Navy designating their hull based upon political reason or throw of a dice rather than their actual role. In fact the "frigate" designation has always evolving since their first inception during the age of sail in the late 17th century.
Not sure about you guys, but am I the only one who see the headline title just doesn't make any sense? Thanks the devil I no longer read english language medias (albeit with some exception)
I'm not sure how many time I say this, but IDR neither went stronger or weaken against USD for the past...
Longer distance. You need to "look" beyond the horizon which by itself would require airborne platform. Even IF the intercepting missile were guided by airborne platform, the missile will need to be HUGE enough just for their propellant (need to be multistage). And bigger missile create...
There is no point of using land based missile to engage the launching platform (aircraft). Land based missile role is to go against the inbound missile, while the launching platform will be engage by fighter, hopefully before they have the change to launch their payload.
That doesn't make any sense at all. I've never notice him spamming any link at all. But then again I had bad experience with the overall situation in this forum from the abundance of troll, buzzer, to my posting being deleted, etc so I'm not surprised to see baseless acquisition being made...
ati2x ngritik ntar kena banned juga lho :p:
The length is good for CQB though. But for regular patrol its too short
I extremely doubt it is any new member who made the report. I can easily guess what will happen next, but the last time I was come very close of doxxing someone (a pelarian...
Kita tamu yg kurang dihargai disini. Contohnya kalau kita di trolled kita bales nge troll kita yg disalahin apalagi kalau pelakunya dari Tiongkok (mereka prioritas disini) itu belum lagi tiap negara kita kena musibah bencana alam pasti banyak yg sorak itu buzzer Tiongkok dan Singkek.
Walaupun saya sepakat dengan intensi sampeyan cuma dalam hal ini agak out of context, kendala linguistik. Sebenarnya yg dimaksud ybs bukan yang seperti yg Anda kira / pikirkan
Inilah sebabnya saya selalu jengkel tiap ada yg sok harus English, karna mayoritas forumer +62 disini khan bukan...