Kalau tahun 1999 saya ga perlu belajar pakai buku sejarah, cukup mengingat apa yg terjadi saat itu (masa kuliah saya saat itu).
Saya khan posting terkait posisi Oz di tahun 1999 itu. Ini link nya (dibawah) monggo silahkan dibaca sendiri kalau pingin tau lebih lanjut...
Yg kayak gini ini yg sering bikin saya paling males posting full in English disini.
Maksudnya, pemahaman mereka tentang operasi lapangan disamakan dgn apa yg di simulasi atau data2x yg mereka punya termasuk dari hasil mereka latihan baik di tempat kita maupun di Northen territory Oz. Sedangkan...
That pic is CGI beyond doubt, but it still interesting enough though
Their line of thinking is more video-game like instead of real world application. And beside their military need to keep the bogeyman (whatever that is) alive so they could get big funding and deliver something like that kind...
Maksud saya yg orang2x selain Indonesia. Kebanyakan para forumer disini (yg non Indonesia) anak2x masih umur2x 20 an awal dan wawasannya masih (mohon maaf aja) agak kurang apalagi kalau udah terkait urusan yg agak men detail / teknis. Cuma mungkin saya nya aja yg kebiasaan diskusi nya ama...
Itu pola pikir dan asumsi yg dihunakan oleh presiden kita saat itu (alm) Habibie yg akhirnya beliau nekad gambling dgn menawarkan referendum. Dan tau sendiri akhirnya bagaimana, karna US (B. Clinton saat itu) nusuk kita dari belakang (bukan Oz) dgn cara ngirim pasukan PBB menggunakan tangan...
In jungle warfare visibility is severely limited, typically its somewhere around 60m in daylight, things get worse during nighttime. However same as the jungle environment, visibility is also double edge sword (neutral) it doesn't choose side. The best option when shot is heard is to seek...
This ain't a surprise at all,
What bother me is the fact the gov't only begin addressing this issue after series of major incidents (the forest fire & haze)
They already send their QUEEN with her PRINCE CONSORT to play sales person. He even went to Surabaya visiting PT PAL. Suffice to say the Den really wan't to sell us the Iver class
If such protest happen in either US or European you can be sure there is business / commercial interest group who is bank rolling them, and it's typically the fossil fuel industry. But here in Indonesia is most likely complete lack of technical knowledge about nuclear power (can't exactly blame...
When a security related gov't official get attacked it's no longer domestic politic matter, it's security related matter.
Di forum ini khan para troll & buzzer nya kerjanya sistematis cuma low level tingkat ilmunya dan kapasitas teknisnya, kebanyakan sich sengaja dibuat utk kejar traffic aja...
Tank chassis & hull aren't that special, so they ought to manage that part. Armour however is different story entirely. For example Leopard 2A4 internal armour is a perforated steel-titanium-tungsten alloy, and Leopard 2 Revolution upgrade even take to the extreme by using Ultra Hard Steel...
Exactly :tup:
Mirip2x kita berarti, kebetulan saya dulu kalau waktunya mata kuliah HTN (Hukum Tata Negara) isinya banyak bolosnya :cheers: sampai2x perlu malsu absensi :cheesy:. Tapi hal ini sebenarnya lebih masuk dalam domain SosPol Hubungan International dan bukan domain ilmu hukum.
Depend on tasking. For cruising kind of tasking the Sunda Shelf is a horrible environment for any sub, but for laying ambush (as mobile mine) littoral water is great environment to be.
Meaning Singapore concern is their access toward South China Sea and the air traffic surrounding their city, and currently they still doesn't see Indonesia gov't could reliably guarantee such (IMO they do have point to be worried)
By hugging the terrain anything could fly undetected by using...
They are for controlling rotation along the transverse axis (pitch) and serve similar function to airplane elevator
Kebetulan saya juga punya pikiran begitu
Who? Which guy? o_O