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  1. Z

    Man collecting dowry for four daughters abroad unable to visit home for 25 years

    His hard work is commendable. No doubt about it. However I am against work that takes away family time. Be it working abroad or locally. Fulfilling one right at the expense of other is not wise.
  2. Z

    How Many Indian Hates Pakistan PEW Survey Report Revealed

    I don't think so. We Pakistanis don't hate regular Indians. We only hate those Indians who want to destabilize Pakistan or who want to fight with Pakistan.
  3. Z

    How Many Indian Hates Pakistan PEW Survey Report Revealed

    I highly doubt the credibility of such news/surveys. It may serve the purpose of few. On another note, I might be bias because I have Indian friends who are simply amazing people.
  4. Z

    Iranian cars ... Gonna buy if available?

    Way better than Peykan :-)
  5. Z

    Ebay Store from Pakistan

    Did you had it figured it? Amazon is now more popular than ebay. Try both. Good luck.
  6. Z

    Why cant we refrain?

    Asslamo Alaykum to all, So few minutes ago, I watched "The Debate with Arnab Goswami" and I am perplexed whether this should be called debate or something else. However on a broader note, I don't understand the logic of attending such platforms, especially Arnab Goswani's, wherein the...
  7. Z

    World’s largest bookstore opens in Tehran, Iran

    Thanks. Not too far from Park Laleh. I lived close to that for a while.
  8. Z

    World’s largest bookstore opens in Tehran, Iran

    Where in Tehran is this new bookstore?
  9. Z

    Pictures from cities | Islamabad

    Very beautiful Masjid. Visited it couple of times
  10. Z

    5 security personnel martyred in Balochistan

    I came across Hamza MRAPs which I believe is made locally. Wouldn't this do the job?
  11. Z

    5 security personnel martyred in Balochistan

    Inna lillahe wa inna alahe rajiun. Hopefully FC gets upgraded. Loss of life is far greater then any other loss
  12. Z

    New Member

    Yes. Soon I will visit Pakistan. The northern parts of Pakistan are so beautiful. Thanks. Where in States do you live,?
  13. Z

    New Member

    Nice one. :) Thanks All the time. I love exploring beauty/nature.
  14. Z

    New Member

  15. Z

    New Member

    Salam folks, This is Zahid Khan. I am engineer by profession. Recent grad of mech/nuclear engineering. My hobbies tend to change from time to time. Currently trading/investing is my hobby as it occupies most of my free time. I have been following defence.pk for a long time. Finally decided...
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