East Asia on the verge of becoming technologically self-sufficient, this is why this region has so much potentiel, others asian countries should try hard to integrate this economic hub if they want escape western domination.
Here another interesting data not directly linked to innovation but kinda connected to the idea....
It's basically the numbers of students from a country pursuing tertiary education abroad, here in the North America-W.Europe region (according to UIS data)
In 2017 KSA was representing the 6th...
Here you can see the top 10 technology field where saudi people get granted most of their patents in 2018, great focus on chemistry...
Source : https://www3.wipo.int/ipstats/index.htm?tab=patent
Which strongly correlate with the fact that KSA is the 16th biggest exporter of Chemical products...
According to WIPO, the Saudi Arabian nationality (applicant origin) has been ranked 25th worldwide in 2018 in term of number of patents granted (in 2008 they were ranked 71th)
In their best technology field ( Basic materials chemistry ) in term of patents granted they are ranked 11th worldwide...