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  1. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    The Russian reserves chosen will undergo several months of training before deployment. Also 90% of Ukraine's army is undertrained and underequipped. Most conscripts in Ukraine undergo a few weeks or even just a few days of training and many of them are armed with WW1 era Maxim machine guns or...
  2. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Honestly if the Iranian government had any brains, they would arrest those who are responsible for what happened to Masah Amini. It seems pretty obvious that at some point she was hit in the head. Why do you need to hit a 22 year old girl in the head to restrain her, even if she got physical ...
  3. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Putin doubles down in Ukraine !! Putin gives speech announcing partial mobilization of 300,000 troops. 4 seperatist regions in Ukraine to hold referendums on the 23rd of Sept, in a few days. Putin states that Russia will us any means at its disposal to protect it's people, including nuclear...
  4. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    You're 100% right. Also when it comes to Syria, many Syrians at the start were looking at the quick overthrow of dictators in Tunisia, Egypt and then the subsequent 6 month civil war in Libya that had ended with a pro-western victory and they thought that a civil war in Syria would be quick and...
  5. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Look at this NATO/Ukrainian UAV that washed up in Sevastopol, Crimea
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    Iranian Chill Thread

  7. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I knew that this would get out of control
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Why are you comparing their behavior to American police ? You're trying to justify unacceptable behavior by pointing to even worst behavior. What kind of logic is that ?
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Authority figures are not supposed to lay a finger on someone for no reason. You can't justify it. Those people were just bystanders. What about that girl they pushed down. She could have easily bashed her head on the ground. That's sick and 2 wrongs don't make a right. Just because some...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    The bystanders didn't do anything and they didn't deserve to be physically abused. Unfortunately this is a common site whenever riots break out, not just in Iran. Some police officers are genuinely good people but a certain percentage seem to be maniacs and sadistic. Some join the police force...
  11. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    These problems are not going away until the government addresses them directly instead of trying to sweet them under the rug
  12. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Protests getting out of control. The government should quickly get to the bottom of what happened without wasting time and if government workers were found to be at fault, compensate the girls family and arrest whoever used excessive force against the girl. Excessive force. Why is this...
  13. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Why are you jumping to extremes though ? You're implying that women not wearing hejab will inevitably lead to nudity, moral degradation and pedophilia ? But that's not necessarily true. Also remember correlation does not equal causation. A society can still experience moral / cultural...
  14. S

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    The Americans would sell something like this for $100,000. Look how much they sell their ATGMs for (Javelin). Iran is probably charging Russia $20-$50,000 a piece, taking full advantage of the fact that the Russians don't have that many options. It's called "Geran" for a reason. LOL
  15. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Yep those Russian sanctions are working alright
  16. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    >If the statement "forcing people to do what they don't want will not work" were correct, having >any form of laws would be pointless. Laws are usually based on cultural norms and standards that the vast majority of any given society will agree upon. That's why they work, not neccessarily...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

  18. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Forcing people to do things they don't want to do will never work in the long run. People will either leave in mass (brain drain) or rebel in one way or another. If you want people to do something, there are generally two options, the carrot or the stick approach. You can try to force people...
  19. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    This is a tragedy and there needs to be an investigation launched immediately, otherwise protests will likely get out of control. If this footage is really her, then she died of natural causes ? But why am I hearing in western media that the Drs said she had a would on her head ? At the...
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