As a Saraiki. A province for us is very necessary. We have different customs and cultures. This being said the need is due for the lack of development and investment in the region. People always play the religion card and the nationalistic card before they look at the reality. Almost all...
My brother in Saudia with a zia pic. No doubt with the Wahhabi view right?
These are practises and tradition held by the layman of deen .The origins of the sufi perception was proper and adhered to the sunnah before tariqqa but what it has derived to now is quite sad. I'm a Multani, along with...
Bro i'm sorry but you don't know the history of islam in sindh and saraiki areas of Pakistan. Multan and Mansura in Sindh were city states that were part of the ummayid caliphate in the early 8th century. Islam first was spread here by arabs than by sufi saints. My family itself descend from a...