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  1. Silent Fighter

    Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

    Honestly this is pathetic from Iran. Zero casualties. It's the worst in the world So having the ability to kill any Iranian top leader without paying any consequence is not a great achievement? It's the best win for the USA in decades. Much better than Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan. Trump really...
  2. Silent Fighter

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    Iranians are scared of the deadly US drones. They killed Soleimani and no real reataliation. They can also kill Khamenei and any person they want knowing they can get away with it. This passenger plane is a victim of this fear
  3. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    After all their words is that all the 'revenge' they can get? A fake and staged missile strike with only 4 missiles on target, without proper payload and alerting the Americans so that there would be no US casualties? It's a farce, an insult to the Iranian people. It means the leadership of the...
  4. Silent Fighter

    Account approval

    Hi I'm new, I'd like to join as my interests are in defence and military topics. I'm a mechanical engineer from Sigonella Italy
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