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  1. Silent Fighter

    US unsuccessfully targeted another Iranian military official on same day as Soleimani

    Well Trump is right. The USA can kill Soleimani with no retaliation by Iran. So why stop here? They can take out all IRGC heads. And the big prize is Khamenei. The hunt is started. And Iran will do nothing but a pathetic weapons drill with zero US casualties.
  2. Silent Fighter

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    The whole world except of Iran says it was a SAM. There is an explosion, typical of SAM. The plane has holes compatible of being hit by a missile.
  3. Silent Fighter

    Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

    ahahah so you believe Khamenei's lies even after this comedy. A real missile strike would have turned the base into a burning crater. There would be destruction all over the place. The USA never hide the presence of causalties, even in 2001 the first killed sodliers were announced immediately to...
  4. Silent Fighter

    Activity on twitter regarding possible phase 2 from IRGC

    This is a laugh. If Khamenei wanted to hit the Americans the missiles would have been deadly instead of nothing more than fireworks. He's a coward pussy, Trump can do what he wants, he can even kill more Iranian generals and Iran will do nothing.
  5. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Wrong, the lack of Iran retaliation gives Trump a huge popularity. Now everyone thinks he was right. HE took out a dangerous Iranian general and no prices to pay for Americans. He will win the elections thanks to this.
  6. Silent Fighter

    Navy SEAL Who Claims Shot Osama Bin Laden Taunts Iran, Dares Iran To Attack A US Destroyer

    And he was right. Iran just surrenders, they made only a fake retaliation with zero casualties. It means no real retaliation. So the Navy Seal got the right prediction
  7. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    No because Trump would retaliate. So if Iran 'doesn't want war' then it's always the same thing. Iran's chance of retaliation was to hit US bases with real damage. They backed down so they will back down again and again.
  8. Silent Fighter

    Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

    I think your posts are stupid. You say Iran humiliated America? With a fake and staged missile strike that caused zero casualties? Just minor damages to pointless buildings that nobody cares about
  9. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    If the US tells lies then Soleimani must be alive. The US casualties in Afghanistan were told to the public since 2001.
  10. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    So is Soleimani alive? The US war machine is functional. The casualties in Afghanistan have been known since 2001.
  11. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    USA never lie about casualties, only about exact numbers. If there were casualties the media would find out immediately. The satellite images are another proof there were no casualties, the level of destruction is minimal. Plus Iranians alerted the Americans so it's all coherent with zero...
  12. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    And you think someone believes these lame excuse by the regime? Nobody believes it, even the most idiotic person in the world understands Iran ran away. Zero casualties is the new world record of US victory.
  13. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    Well that's what the world thinks and rightly so, Iranian leaders are cowards. I don't remember an attack on NATO members that wasn't followed by retaliation.
  14. Silent Fighter

    Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

    And zero casualties. You think people are idiots. Iran showed to be a coward. They shake with fear of any real US retaliation. Khamenei's back has no spine.
  15. Silent Fighter

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    Of course they have to deny. Why should they admit their fault?
  16. Silent Fighter

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    Do you belive what you post? Nobody thinks Iran 'humiliated' the US. Why? Zero casualties, what's humiliating? Soleimani died, that's humiliating. And America gets away with it. So you reckon Iran can be ranked in the same league as US puppets.
  17. Silent Fighter

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    As Iran shows to be a coward nation, I listen to the Delta Force. You have to be brave to win
  18. Silent Fighter

    Iran leadership is coward and liar

    So ZERO casualties, alerting Americans is now called a retaliation. That's a new definition on the dictionary. But only idiots believe it. Trump is chanting with joy, he wouldn't be that happy with a real retaliation
  19. Silent Fighter

    Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

    Again only excuses. What retaliation is it if there are no casualties? Who cares about two garages to rebuild? Then Iran lacks spine and their words were lies. There was no real retaliation, that's why Trump is so happy. It's a flawless victory for Trump, he killed Soleimani without having to...
  20. Silent Fighter

    All stories on Ukraine airliner tragedy

    Iran will never admit it wa their fault. They already look as cowards to the world (and they are), by admitting they shot a passenger plane they would also look as imcompetent. They would also have to pay compensations because the plane shouldn't be allowed to take off during a military operation.
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