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  1. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I would love for the M4 CG to be in the weapons/support squad as it takes two man to effectively operate, while something like M72 for the rifle squad AT rifleman role.
  2. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Didn't the Vietnamese also licensed produce their own RPG-29? Envious indeed. In terms of anti-armor, I'd also love to see Pindad simultaneously either licensed or RE items like RPG-7 or C90. Our infantry squad desperately lacks firepower.
  3. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Moreover, to add to your point there was also news report from Reuters 2 years ago that said: Now, the wording "could be worth" can be translated as the maximum amount of the contract for 48 planes is $4.5 billion or less. So $4 billion for 32 planes does seem a bit excessive.
  4. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Wahhh good to see the AMX 105 SPH still up and running. Probably the Asian brand is cheaper on maintenance?
  5. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    wkwkwkw tenang boss ku, di sini memang tempat sama2 bingung. Jadi maksudnya, apakah ada kemungkinan 1640 itu memang F-16 seri A? Bukan F-16C, karena memang ada 2 seri A yang di ambil dari AMARG, yang 28 lagi block 25, yang 24 lalu di up grade ke Block 52RI. Mungkin sebenarnya kita tuh punya F-16...
  6. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The admin wasn't talking about the drag chute, he's talking about the base of the vertical fin Source: http://www.f-16.net/f-16_versions_article5.html Look at the base of the vertical fin compare with the one on that you linked Mungkin kah TS-1640 ini spare F-16A yang di ambil dari...
  7. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Wouldn't RSAF make more sense? Isn't RAAF themselves is a recent boom operator themselves? With only has the E7, P8, and C-17 with boom capable aircraft, previously its the Hornets/SH with P&D. Indded. IF the current issues can be resolved, the KC-46 sure has a lot more potential I feel, with a...
  8. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Ganteng ya kalo udah lengkap, semoga bakal lanjut lagi. Dulu katanya seharusnya kita udah punya 4 unit, tapi dana yang buat 2 di ahlihkan ke Bung Tomo class.
  9. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Wkwkwkw jadi inget ini: Yeah, I'm also wondering why the 90mm Badak is still considered when there's the Pandur FSV with the common weapon system as the Harimau. A potentially interesting development for the AU procurement program, taken from the Defense Studies blog Memang kapabilitas AAR...
  10. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Thanks for the link. It sounds like it just a matter of the willingness of the U.S in selling aim-120 missiles rather than integrating the munition into the KFX combat system, hopefully anyway, we shall see. I'm not sure about that. The F-35 is full breed fifth-gen aircraft from launch, while...
  11. kooppyyy

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Sebelumnya, salam kenal dengan sesepuh di sini, SR newbie numpang nyoba posting di mari. Do you have a source or is this your own conclusion? It seems strange to me if that's the case. Nggak lah, VIP transport masih dalam tupoksi AU kok. Kalau ada yang mau di argue untuk di cut sih yang...
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