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    Indonesia to increase imports from India amid New Delhi - Malaysia spat

    well nothing will change, we never Take relationship with Pakistan seriously in the first place fyi indonesia give free visa to over 170 nationality to enter indonesia and if i remember correctly there is only 14 country in the world that doesnt have that luxury and pakistan is one of them. so...
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    In Indonesia, 1998 violence against ethnic Chinese remains unaddressed

    "I said many if not majority of pribumi has sentiment toward chinese Indonesia, not all! Read again my statement. Who is retard here." from oxford dictionary "MOST" 1 Greatest in amount or degree: 1.1 The majority of; nearly all of: :D
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    In Indonesia, 1998 violence against ethnic Chinese remains unaddressed

    omgo_O post #124 post #128 no i dont , can u tell me yes
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    In Indonesia, 1998 violence against ethnic Chinese remains unaddressed

    kompasiana is not news portal from a credible media company, anyone can write anything they want there. thats my point too, yet you use those article to justify your argument about "most" non chinese indonesian have sentiment towards chinese indonesian. im very aware that xenophobe is still...
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    In Indonesia, 1998 violence against ethnic Chinese remains unaddressed

    those media hate everything bro (i know you know this). im not denying there is no sentiment at all but please dont generalize other based on that . u know what my uncle get his head copped, they burn our house and my father bussiness in 1999 ambon civil war luckily we safely escape to ternate...
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    Qatar: Talks with Pakistan over Mirage 2000-5s

    why not.. its honest way to make a living. and say half of Indonesian women working in ME is little too much. currently, there is 250 - 500 thousand Indonesians migrant worker in ME and not all women's and we already impose a Permanent ban on sending domestic worker there.
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    Indonesia rejects international pleas to halt execution of Pakistani drug convict

    feel free to post another pic so we can compare like i said earlier thats the best i can get. i know u will say something like this..:hitwall: no, not at all, we are at the different league so much behind in what sense? economic growth. Per capita growth, economic size, industry, technology...
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    Indonesia rejects international pleas to halt execution of Pakistani drug convict

    Please enlighten me what kinda economic rule (law) didn't apply to those small countries, Singapore in the past is just small fishing village with no resource or industry the only thing she has is the strategic location. you can blame everybody under the sun for your own failure but it doesnt...
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    From the land of eternal fire...

    idk man! haha thx btw..
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    From the land of eternal fire...

    sorry i thought with reply like this i can collect 29 message so i can reply with link.. :hitwall:
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    Indonesia rejects international pleas to halt execution of Pakistani drug convict

    @UKBengali bla bla bla this sh1t over and over again.. Singapore got their independence 20 years later than us yet they are very successful and Haiti got their independence from France since 1825 and now they are one of the poorest countries in the world. that is fact
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    Hy Friends............I am NEW

    i just wanna gain some post bro :lol:
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    Just joined

    hi welcome to :pdf:
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    Welcome From Maldives

    hi welcome to :pdf:
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    The Rebel

    hi welcome to :pdf:
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    A big hello to evry1

    welcome to:pdf:
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    welcome to :pdf:
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    wa alaikum salaam :welcome: to :pdf:
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    Son of Punjab

    wa alaikum salaam welcome bro
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