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  1. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Obviously, Kopassus
  2. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Thanks for the correction! For the ESM, I'm actually confused since several websites, including TNI's website, said that the ship was equipped with DR3000 ESM and didn't mention Vigile 100 ESM at all. But I think you're right, by how it looks it's more similar to Vigile 100 ESM Btw, do you...
  3. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The original picture was taken when 359 first arrived in Indonesia ========================================================================
  4. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    We're back !!
  5. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Is it the first combat-related death for our peacekeepers?
  6. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    It means that he/she already a colonel before he/she gets the position while 'promosi' means that he/she was promoted to the rank of colonel because he/she gets the position
  7. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I don't know much about Denjaka so...what's new? Denjaka is now fully under the Marine Corps?
  8. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    He said '3 drones programs'. Does anyone know what are the other two drones besides black eagle? ====================================================================
  9. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Kalau dari yg gua baca dan impretasikan dari pernyataan Polda sih yg mereka sangkal itu klaim bahwa senjata ini diambil dari penyerangan baru-baru ini, but they didn't denied that these criminals have that kind of weapons (ya iyalah, udah ada fotonya kalau mereka emang punya)
  10. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Nope according to this: "Lebih lanjut, Airlangga merinci, sebanyak 15 proyek berupa pembangunan jalan dan jembatan, lima proyek berupa pembangunan bandara, lima proyek berupa pembangunan kawasan industri, serta 13 proyek berupa pembangunan bendungan dan irigasi. Selain itu ada pula satu proyek...
  11. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    And Indonesia twitterland went crazy because of the cancellation~ But seriously, will R80 become a success if it is continued? terutama dalam hal laku di pasar domestik maupun internasional
  12. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I thought we will not buy any used weapons system anymore? And I agree, it's 'just' an FPB, can't our local shipyards build it?
  13. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    KSAL: Laut Natuna Zona Operasi Militer Perang Fokus di ZEE CNN Indonesia | Jumat, 29/05/2020 07:08 WIB Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana Yudo Margono menyatakan telah menjadikan perairan Natuna, Kepulauan Riau sebagai zona operasi militer perang (OMP)...
  14. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    IKR, those SJWs don't even know (atau sengaja gk mau tau biar narasinya seolah valid) what OMSP/MOOTW is and so far, cmiiw, TNI personnel who already deployed to enforce health protocols discipline among the public don't even carry any firearms
  15. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Dan diserang sama, what appeared to be, barisan SJW/leftist dengan narasi klasik: militeristik/orba/dwikora
  16. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Obviously, what weapons systems that our AF will operate are not decided by the AF alone There's also MoD, DPR, Kemenkeu, Bappenas, etc
  17. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Well hopefully new KSAU = new policy
  18. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Entry Briefing: KSAU Beberkan 9 Prioritas dan Program 100 Hari, Beri Perhatian kepada New Normal Rabu, 27 Mei 2020 10:28 Penulis : Beny Adrian Angkasa.news - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo menggelar Entry Briefing dengan pejabat TNI AU, pimpinan Pangkotama TNI...
  19. Jatosint

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Also, if we're able to integrate our Su to carry western munitions, someone will use it as another excuse to buy more Su in the future
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