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  1. Actuary

    South Korea will increase taxes on 480 million U.S. goods

    South Korea has been on the favorable ends of US trading agreements for decades. Even with the renegotiated trade deal, they're still in an advantageous position. This just goes to show how much other countries take our generosity for granted. They expect us subsidize their countries forever...
  2. Actuary

    The per capita GDP of China in 2017 is: 9481.881 US dollars

    GDP Per Capita is a poor metric for actual income. We don't know how the average economic output per citizen is being split between the actual workers and the asset-owning class. In a high population country like China, the only people benefiting from higher GDP Per Capitas are the wealthy...
  3. Actuary

    How subsidized US soybeans hurt Chinese farmers

    A bunch of Soyboys over at Asia.
  4. Actuary

    North Korea's Kim congratulates China's Xi on re-election as president

    The most powerful and influential country in Asia gives China its blessing. Xi must be honored.
  5. Actuary

    Samsung Electronics says to start building new China memory chip line this month

    This is 3rd world country resident thinking where GDP matters more than anything else. The only countries that'll have a long dark shadow cast over it are countries with exploding population growths. The future economies won't be able to support such high population figures and unemployment...
  6. Actuary

    Samsung Electronics says to start building new China memory chip line this month

    1) I've already explained, this is only true for some countries, namely developing countries without a sizeable skilled labor force. Korea isn't one of those countries and they'll do better off with a smaller population. 2) Japan and Korea are investing heavily in automation to make up for any...
  7. Actuary

    Samsung Electronics says to start building new China memory chip line this month

    You mean it's not good for wealthy people who need to pay their workers more and whose real estate values fall. It's better for everyone else. Everyone else makes higher incomes and pays lower rent. Why would you want to enslave your fellow brethren to a life of sweatshop-like conditions? Just...
  8. Actuary

    Samsung Electronics says to start building new China memory chip line this month

    Stagnation in terms of total economic output, maybe. But again, why does that matter when the quality of life and income of a typical Korean will improve drastically from a lower population? The effects are already starting. Gallup found that Koreans have the highest median income in Asia. Their...
  9. Actuary

    Samsung Electronics says to start building new China memory chip line this month

    Rising population is not a good thing when automation and AI are right around the corner. Korea and Japan are doing the right thing by reducing their population numbers. It'll allow for a higher quality of life per person despite their total economic output stagnating or shrinking. Automation...
  10. Actuary

    Samsung Electronics says to start building new China memory chip line this month

    And how do you know if China won't follow Japan's footsteps and stagnate? Japan was also thought to be the next semiconductor powerhouse back in the 80s, yet they've only been able to compete on transistor density and not microarchitecture. Even in transistor density, they've fallen massively...
  11. Actuary

    old biased article Forbes, but says Japan will lead East Asia, not China, your Views?

    Neither China nor Japan will lead East Asia. East Asia had a good run with all that copying they've done for the past few centuries, but with not much else to copy from the west, their economies are stagnating and faltering. Soon they will all be bitches to the US. I'd say at this point, North...
  12. Actuary

    Samsung Electronics says to start building new China memory chip line this month

    South Korea is always paranoid about losing their technological edge, but I don't think they ever will lose their crown in semiconductors unless something drastic happens like a war with North Korea. They are the only Asian country who has succeeded in designing microarchitectures, not just...
  13. Actuary

    Chinese outstanding academic performance not because of hard working, its more to do with genetic

    I think people overestimate their own IQs. It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect. The truth is, not many people have IQs above 130, and most people don't realize what someone with a 130 IQ is capable of. Someone with a 130 IQ can breeze through any undergrad with minimal effort except math and...
  14. Actuary

    Chinese outstanding academic performance not because of hard working, its more to do with genetic

    See my comments a few posts after that post regarding probability of seeing that result if we assume the null that the Chinese do have an average IQ of 105.
  15. Actuary

    Vietnamese claims he was tricked into cleanup work after Fukushima disaster

    It was founded by whites. When the founding fathers wrote "All men are equal", they weren't thinking about blacks, browns or yellows. They were thinking of whites, specifically Western Europeans.
  16. Actuary

    Chinese outstanding academic performance not because of hard working, its more to do with genetic

    Children's IQ tests are watered down. The scaling is done with people in the same age as the test-taker, but the test itself is easier that the ones given to adults. The reason for this is to get a wide range of raw scores instead of having a non-normal distribution of scores scattered at the...
  17. Actuary

    Chinese outstanding academic performance not because of hard working, its more to do with genetic

    That 23 sample size is for Japanese only. Chinese had a sample size of 31. While the bias does converge to 0 as the sample size increases, you don't need a humongous sample size to get accurate results. A sample size of 31 would still make a very good estimate. Let's assume that the null...
  18. Actuary

    Chinese outstanding academic performance not because of hard working, its more to do with genetic

    This is for children, where IQ scores are more easily susceptible to prepping due to the lack of complexity in the questions. What matters is adult IQ, and the Chinese adults have an average IQ of about 90-95. Final adult intelligence is rate of maturity X length of maturity. It could be that...
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