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  1. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    I'm not sure...I was just told uavs are coming without armaments..I asked about model but didn't get any rply
  2. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    UAV's are coming in this year...but without armaments
  3. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Heard 16 j10c has been ordered...hopefully it's true
  4. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    May be same thing is happening to "western mrca" procurement..we will end up with some j10 may be :(
  5. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Hope they won't keep those bases empty. Considering baf's current situation that is very much possible :(
  6. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Army

    Defseca said Altay or some NATO mbts are comig...now it has become Russian
  7. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Tranche 1 can be upgraded to 3 ?
  8. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Is this true ?
  9. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Baf issued tender for mrca in 2017 that means they needed mrca within 2020/2021 and now its mid of 2020 and baf as usual still looking for "options"...that is just depressing. And no one should underestimate their enemy..may be they are not well trained they are uneducated but they can always...
  10. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Idk man this is just disappointing..everyone is making deals and getting deliveries left and right except baf :(
  11. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    What's really going on with baf...are they buying any fighters secretly or are they still looking for options ?..someone told me mrca project has been cancelled due to funding issue something cheap will come..I didn't believe him at that time but may be that's the issue ? Idk baf has gone...
  12. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Is Apache confirmed ?
  13. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Navy

    We should start that thread again :p
  14. BlackViking

    The first batch of VT5 light tanks was delivered to Bangladesh

    Some pages claiming that bd didn't receive any vt5..in fact they are saying army haven't sent anyone to train on vt5
  15. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Navy

    I think navy should stop buying 2nd hand ships now..need to move on from type53s
  16. BlackViking

    The first batch of VT5 light tanks was delivered to Bangladesh

    They way things are going I think army will get attack helos before baf
  17. BlackViking

    The first batch of VT5 light tanks was delivered to Bangladesh

    Can anyone shed some light on this ?
  18. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Army

  19. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Navy

    This one looks very promising to me
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