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  1. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Baf will use Sam only for base protection. Army is responsible for layered Air defense network.
  2. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    BN will get medium to long range Sam on their new ships...not before 2025 though. No idea about army
  3. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Not happening bhai...baf is going for aster 15 most probably. Negotiations on going with mbda.
  4. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Sorry man no idea about that
  5. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    We are talking about army here man...not baf. So it will happen soon. Even they will recieve attack helicopter before baf. Go through army drone tender pdf. Check their requirements. Only Turkish drones (specifically Anka s) matches their requirements. And army already evaluated Turkish drones...
  6. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Army is getting Turkish combat drone soon.
  7. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Bro army wont buy more than 20 by 2030..whether its z10 or Apache or t129. Army and Baf, no one is worried about numbers. And I dont have any idea why baf is wasting money on attack helicopters.
  8. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    There is a reason Pakistan is still waiting for t129. They can easily buy z10 whenever they want but still not going for it. They are keeping it as a last resort. Z10 might look damn good on papers but its actually not that good.
  9. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Baf won't buy any helicopter from China
  10. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Not gonna happen bhai. Baf won't buy without AESA and multirole capabilities.
  11. BlackViking

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    Baf recently bought 5 ex raf c130j and had them upgraded by Marshall adg. Marshall will setup local presence in the form of a service centre or will work inside a BAF base to support the C-130J fleet. Obviously...we cant afford 14 planes together..I'm talking about grabbing 2/3
  12. BlackViking

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    Baf has a requirement of 12-15 transport aircrafts...they recently bought 5 ex raf c130js and one ex usaf c130h... I guess 2/3 more won't hurt :p
  13. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Whatever baf buys t3 or t4 it doesn't matter anymore...the real deterrence capability will depend on the weapons package we will buy with the jets.
  14. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    By saying "will buy" I meant baf will sign contract. They showed in "shomorasthro prodorshoni" on baf's air defense system plans and awacs was shown there I think. I dont have any source guys. It's a guess and in sha Allah it will come true.
  15. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Yes baf will buy awacs within 2025
  16. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    T This moron think baf should replace F7 with kfx FML 😂😂😂😂
  17. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Cause our requirement is low. Baf will replace those F7 with new jets and might open another one or two squadron max. So we will operate max 5/6 squadron of fighters. So opening a factory line up is not profitable for us. Besides Saab wont go for it. They wont give us tot. At least not before 2030.
  18. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Baf will order another squadron of mrca after recieving the first batch if the current regime continues
  19. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    swedish air force gulf stream in cxb today
  20. BlackViking

    Bangladesh Air Force

    No something double engine will come. Baf engineers and pilots team visited dassault, leonardo and Boeing plants...they also flew those aircrafts. So one of these three will come I think The rumor is baf will buy t3 eft's from Raf/Italy air force's existing fleet. Could be 8 could be all. But...
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