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  1. I

    Gilgit-Baltistan's liberation

    Such an informative post. I hope the people of Gilgit & Baltistan secure complete Pakistani citizenship. and In Sha Allah they will soon
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    Preliminary and Final Medical Exam - Pak Army

    sorry bro, don't know
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    Pak Navy SSC Operation Marines Queries

    Thanks alot sir :) one more thing? do they check our teeth too?? this is the last query :D
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    Preliminary and Final Medical Exam - Pak Army

    sorry bro, only know as much as you do.. ask seniors here.. sorry :( Thanks alot for your answer :) One more thing. do they check your teeth too?? i've a bad tooth :D
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    Pak Navy SSC Operation Marines Queries

    Respected Sir, I have some queries. I'd be much grateful if you'd answer. I'm applying for Marines in Pak Navy Short Service Commission 2018-a. Firstly, I have a deviated nasal septum. do they immediately disqualify on this matter or do they give us time to have it operated? Also, what if I...
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    Preliminary and Final Medical Exam - Pak Army

    Marines in Pak Navy
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    Preliminary and Final Medical Exam - Pak Army

    I have a deviated nasal septum. do they immediately disqualify on this matter or they give us time to get it operated? Also, what if I get it operated prior to the medical examination? Will they object that I got this operated without their consent? I'm applying for Commission in Navy so please...
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