Nothing is unique. Its just a stupid video app. And yes banning it helps to replace it. Apps grow their market by power law. First movers have a major advantage. TikTok had it, now it disappears. Good thing is that now user know the usecase and want it, so all a competitor needs to do is to...
Correction : US does not need to protect its position as much as it needs to ensure that China does not get access to US market or influnence over Americans via these apps.
And its not US alone...
There is currently no master of this technology. Simply because its too new and much is still unknown. There are no deployed SCRAMjet based Hypersonic Cruise Missiles.
PIB gave as accurate as it gets. Its the mouth piece of the government. If it is lying you are not going to get any truth from other parts as well.
BTW, while we are setting standards for "openess" of Indian army, how about Chinese and Pakistani Army who flatly refuse ANY information on this...
Yeah sure!
You don't read your own links. LOL!
Also why not ?,300%20of%20them%20security%20personnel.
Anyone in India can inquire the number at anytime by filing what is called a Right to Information petition.
China has no such flexibility. In Pakistan, forces even refuse to tell the civilian leaders about the total number of casualties.