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  1. soche

    Barmy army not to travel to Bangladesh citing security concerns

    They have to safely organize this tour as well..anything remotely goes wrong means no gora teams will comeback no matter what.
  2. soche

    Kashmiri lawmaker resigns from India's parliament to protest state brutality in held-Kashmir

    It means a lot. You are generating more and more hate for India not only for common Kashmiris who want separation. Kashmir issue will definitely be resolved. But I doubt they would join Pakistan either. They will most likely become an independent state.
  3. soche

    Israel geting 8 used f15. ISRAEL considir to buy more f15I and f16I with the new f35

    I thought US were becoming bankcrupt.
  4. soche

    Is yoga Hindu?

    What did I just read?:cheesy:
  5. soche

    Report: Taliban Using Captured U.S. Weapons Against Afghan Troops

    Don't worry India will provide Ghani and co. something to tackle that as well.
  6. soche

    Pictures from cities -- Swat

    Sawat is really the beauty of Pakistan.
  7. soche

    Mental retardation: Pakistani scientists discover 30 new genes

    first cousin marriage is really really dangerous.
  8. soche

    TTP commander for North Waziristan touts operations in Pakistan

    hope Army stays there so these scums never comeback.
  9. soche

    Barmy army not to travel to Bangladesh citing security concerns

    Is situation that bad in Bangladesh? I thought they had become more stable and those blasts were just one occasion.
  10. soche

    PTI calls for stern action against Faisal Vawda

    where is the system improving when our prime minister who was caught red handedly in panama leaks lives on without any worry. When was the last time PM sahib addressed parliament?Other than visiting to give excuses to hide his corruption.
  11. soche

    PTI calls for stern action against Faisal Vawda

    it's not dead. People just have lost hopes in the system. from overall system. not PTI.
  12. soche

    Karachi PS127 By Election Another Challenge for MQM

    PSP has no vote bank. sorry until MQM is there no hope for PSP. will change come if PSP won? I doubt it. they are reincarnation of MQM and with Kamal leading them you know how credible they are. dilemma for Karachites.
  13. soche

    New Introductions

    1) Tell your interests Cricket, Politics and gaming. 2) What do you do. develop apps 3) How did you find us google. first thing appears when you search Pakistan politics/ 4) What interests you here? only Pakistan's politics 5) What is your profession? game developer 6) Future plans? getting...
  14. soche

    Important developments Afghanistan

    It is very important for Pakistan's sake that Afghanistan gets developed like it's neighbor countries.
  15. soche

    PTI calls for stern action against Faisal Vawda

    that was a blunder from him but I didn't expect good things from him. josh is good but he takes it to another level. It's very important that you have a calm head in politics otherwise your enemies will have you for dinner.
  16. soche

    Suicide or Murder: Prime Minister's Corruption Case Officer Found Dead.

    looks to me a murder well Allah knows best.
  17. soche

    1 Picture that shattered my heart.

    aww this is a sad pic:(
  18. soche

    Pakistan orders release of all Indian fishermen

    Islamabad, Jan 22 (IANS) As a goodwill gesture towards India, Pakistan has ordered the release of all Indian fishermen imprisoned in the country, Geo News reported Tuesday. All imprisoned Indian fishermen will be released along with their ships after an initial investigation, according to the...
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