it is official promo from NII Stali (T-90S protection developer).
The T-90S with basic Kontact-5 - defeated from 6 km by M829A2
The T-90S with Relict - defeated from 1,5 km by M829A2
undefeated by any APFSDS from 100 m range
It is basically known facts, as the Earth rotates around the Sun, anyway Google or any other search engine may help.
Panorama Eagle Eye
I do not say it is bad
To by anything foreign,
But it is not Ukraine which buys sights from Russia, actually Russia did.
So it is not...
Show any on serial produced tank, as I said, not promo exebition single produced ones.
As you know T-90MS features belorussian Sosna - U GPS anf Eagle eye commander sight, also belorussian design.
- it provides protection against M829A2 from 1,5 km distance.
Ukr ERA called Duplet protects from 100 m range from all 120 mm APFSDS
-Kalina FCS includes both gunner and commander sights designed in foreign country - belorussia.
- also Ukr offered active protection system and no...
Ready to agree if you explain why Rus are not developed they own sights for their primary tanks and ATGM like T-90MS and Khrizantema and use Byelorussian and Ukr instead.
So why so many years passed and they relay on foreign (now it is Byelorussia)? Now they can not buy anything in Ukr, cause of war. Of course Rus is very powerful country, but in certain matter of design and technology they still are not achieved level of Ukr, in spite of hundred times more...
It is (above) T-84-120 Yatogan with 120 mm gun and bustle autoloader
and Oplot with conventional type aoutoloader like on T-84
So why Russia buy electronics for tanks and their latest ATGM from the Belorussia and Ukraine, notice Ukrainian sight on their Khrizantema-S and Belorussian FCS...