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  1. K

    Deadly attack on Pakistan convoy

    Respect to those who died serving their nation. Is Pakistani Govt. doing something for their families ???
  2. K

    "Baitullah Mehsud is neither stupid nor crazy, he is rational and Machiavellian"

    He emerged as a leader in 2004 when he launched a series of attacks against the Pakistan Army and gangsters who had been terrorising local tribesmen. He was formally appointed 'Emir' of Waziristan by Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar, to whom he has pledged allegiance, and in 2005 pulled off a...
  3. K

    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    A article from Pakistani newspaper. It suggests a rudimentary survey of FATA and NWFP residents on the effects of drone attacks in their area. I can't speak to the qualities of the survey itself but the preliminary findings are interesting, if true. I say so because they swim against the...
  4. K

    Mehsud's Taliban planning US attack

    Awesome, grrrrrrrrrr8 Sohail !!! :tup:
  5. K

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    A conspiracy theory indeed! And I don't know how Pakistanis could point at India or RAW? Or is this the way to Turning the blind eye to the festering wound which is becoming fatal as each day passes by? I'm sorry for the people who were casualty in these attacks. But can't help but say the...
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    Terrorists destroy Mosque, kill Namazis during Jumaah Prayers

    Terrorists have no religion and no humanity whatsoever....... the ones who blow themselves up are the guys who have been brain-washed and have become like a programmed robot, they'll do whatever their programmer tells them
  7. K

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Rehman Malik: Held terrorists are from Afghanistan:azn:
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