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    Iran to unveil new medium and long range missile air defence systems

    Ahmad vahidi defence minister of Iran in ceremony of unveiling 4th gen. of Fateh-110 ballistic missile said after Mersad and Shalamcheh medium range air defence system and SAM that was built and mass produced and delivered to armed forces, we have new medium range missiles and new air defence...
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    Iran basir artilley 2 Verions?

    Check this picture of basir artillery when it was unveiled. from picture you can see two systems. one is the sharp nose the other is the curved nose. The curve nosed seems the anti-ship artillery with range of 20Km. also note basir is the name of the laser system used, basir is not the name...
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    Iran 4th gen fateh 110 impact

    This missile has more impact power than I though. check it out. it starts at around 2:10.
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    Iran Population will be more than 200 Mio! Birth control scrapped!

    Iran scraps birth control programme in baby boom bid Iran has scrapped its birth control programme in a radical policy reversal intended to produce a baby boom that could more than double its population. While around half of Iranians are under 35, officials fear the low growth rate –...
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    First near-sonic Wind tunnel made by Iran

    Guys this is good start for our supersonic version. well done Iran picture from here: http://farsnews.com/imgrep.php?nn=13910511000369
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