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    India needs to improve ammunition levels to stipulated 40day WWR levels. The current levels are to low. Some order given regarding this which is being spun to show jingoism.
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    Ashura security: Mobile phones to fall silent on Muharram 9, 10

    No other easy and cheap way possible. Only other way is intercepting each msg, checking for terror or offensive keywords and blocking it. Would need a lot of computing power to achieve this real time and would be a big attack on privacy too.
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    Surgical strike was just a land grabbing farce

    I m not missing any facts because i dont see any facts. I understand if pakistan says that india should show proof of strikes then i get it. But these new stories like in op are source based which like the surgical strike have no proofs.
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    Surgical strike was just a land grabbing farce

    Wow. Another i have learned from sources story. Why so many stories getting peddled without an ioata of truth. I accept no proof has been given by Indian side but equally bizarre stories are coming from pakistan too.
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Can somebody here who is bjp related, help pass a message. can more allocation be done to science & tech. Can some renowned scientist be made a minister/leader of improving research based activities in India. Not sure what Mr. Harvardhan has achieved in last few years. We need more budgetary...
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    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    Just see the smiles on face of IAF personnel during the dispaly. Nothing can be a bigger certificate of its capability. Just hoping we can build it faster.
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    Indians boycotting 'Made in China' wares for Beijing's support to Pak

    This is a hyper nationalistic message which gets peddled quite often but unless alternatives at a reasonable price are made available, no substitution will happen. Also most imports from China are not something for which replacements are not available globally, but they will be much more...
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    My concern is largely with the chinese loans. They can be easily arm twisted.
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    Frankly don't like the the selection of ADAG group. They are one bunch of inefficient guys and also have loads of chinese loans on their other businesses. Risk of compromise is high.
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    Surgical or no Surgical strike? a difficult way to agreed upon.

    Is it not a second thread on the same article. Such a school boy article and I am sure people are discussing everything but the weakness of the articles analysis.
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    Indian Sergical strike exposed || discussion

    Such an amateurish article. Just giving one example, we have scores of Israeli drones, don't they provide the same capability as the Rustom's. Why is that ignored by the writer. Secondly we don't yet have hell fire, another mistake by the writer. A school boy article at best
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    Indian Special Forces

    Did the US show any evidence of a dead osama , despite everything. How can you expect India to provide evidence to the public. What you say may be true that nothing happened, but there is equal probability that something happened. We as civilians can only assume as per our pre-conceived notions...
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    Pakistan-Korea trade over $ 1 billion, FTA set to be signed

    Build an sez then and allow tax free import of equipment; dont allow fta which covers all items. Unless the koreans want fta in lieu of their investment.
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    India, US move ahead with M777 deal

    Could be also a case of when cash is available to make the down payment. In Indian fiscal year, most of the tax inflow (direct from companies) and others flows in in the 4th quarter. Already for this year, we have seen extra cash outflow for Pay commission hike and OROP. So I guess any further...
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    India, US move ahead with M777 deal

    I guess the delay is more related to the delay in setting up the mountain strike corps. This equipment is supposed to be for that specific unit and since budget allocation for setting that unit has not been done yet, there seems to no hurry to start buying equipment for that unit.
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    Pakistan-Korea trade over $ 1 billion, FTA set to be signed

    Small advice, never sign FTA with countries where you have massive trade imbalances already. Check Korea-Pak trade balance. It will destroy your own industry. Actually if I was your enemy, I would love it to happen. It is like India wanting to sign FTA with China.
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    Debunking Indian Claims of “Surgical Strike” in Pakistan.

    The questions raised are something any layman would come out with and of course other than the very top, none will know the exact truth at least as of now. As about this particular gentleman, read the below article...
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    Power transmission line: Chinese company refuses to accept lower tariff

    The issue, I guess is because of the labour cost issue. Pakistan computation may be based on using Pakistani labour while Chinese companies bring in a lot of Chinese workers (which are obviously lot more costly) and hence the demand from Chinese companies is based on use of these higher cost...
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    India improves in Global Competitiveness Index

    Perhaps the single most important news which matters for India's future. Hopefully more focus is given on this development.
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