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  1. T

    Real reason why Modi govt has carried out surgical strike on your pockets

    All thode with no brains and think that big guys are safe and kniw how, i have a proposition. I know somebody with 40cr of black cash and is ready to pay 2% facilitation fee for leting me know anybody who can make it clean. This 2% is your fee . His CA firm has no solution.
  2. T

    State of Texas level DESTROYER satan-2

    http://metro.co.uk/2016/10/27/what-would-actually-happen-if-russia-dropped-satan-ii-on-the-uk-6218621/ check this out
  3. T

    ‘Air-launched version of BrahMos missile to be tested in February’

    Is there anything done without delays attached to it. Why the heck do thet give initial deadline if they are to be breached all the time and that too by wide margins.
  4. T

    India to catch up with China? Stop deluding yourselves!

    For people who are interested in issues that China is facing and its impact internally and across the globe, do read the blog below. Nothing too alarming but not too rosy either, can be said to be mixed http://blog.mpettis.com/
  5. T

    The cheap enemy!

    Frankly my country at times does novice and stupid things like this, but then again you also behave the same like not allowing us into OIC, so it cuts both ways. But yes, very stupid behaviour.
  6. T

    Rosneft-led group acquires Essar Oil for nearly $13 billion,

    My opinion is that this is strategically more important than S400. Putting this amount of Russian money (mind you when they are themselves not in the pink of wealth) into India gives a solid base than selling any number of weapon systems for hard cash.
  7. T

    S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems delivery to India can begin in 2020

    Excluding the defence deal, hopefully everybody has taken note of the ESSAR ROSENFET deal. $13bn investment by Russia, single largest any where globally. Tells something.
  8. T

    China counters India's $2 billion with whopping $24 billion for Bangladesh

    my friend what was the need for such statements/veiled threats which make us look arrogant an frankly harms us more.
  9. T

    Does Modi know what a smart city is?

    These are pilot projects just as there are close to 200 pilot projects in China. It will take time but there is will be progressive levels of smartness not a single benchmark.
  10. T

    Does Modi know what a smart city is?

    You are co-relating a lot of high end tech which no city in the world employs. Is any city using automated metros and driverless cars on a massive scale (I know uber in san francisco, but it is still like user testing). In that sense there is no smart city yet.
  11. T

    Does Modi know what a smart city is?

    http://smartcities.gov.in/writereaddata/winningcity/BHUBANESWAR_SCP.pdf happy now :)
  12. T

    Does Modi know what a smart city is?

    Its a 28 page pdf presentation which is supported by a over 50 page document which I have access to. Please stop posting your bullshit if you can't learn. We have definite plans, we know it will need tech and knowledge (people have to be taught to use tech, mobile revolution has helped that). We...
  13. T

    China puts India ties on the backburner

    I don't want that, even worst of enemies keep relations and talk. Why do you shame my country by advising it to behave like a novice sitting in Canada. I want India to keep building both economic and financial strength. In 10 years or 15 max, not even US will want to take us alone, if things go...
  14. T

    Does Modi know what a smart city is?

    http://www.smartcitieschallenge.in/files/dmfile/Draft-Smart-Cities-Proposal-Bhubaneswar1.pdf This is the one of the proposals. You can check it out. Similar plans for other cities.
  15. T

    India need not be ‘jealous’ of close China-Bangladesh ties

    Belt road is nothing but chinese attempts to lessen slowdown in its domestic economy and hence delay the need to cut excess capacities in steel and other contruction related industries. Also its exisiting local governments dont have capacity for more debt . So lo and behold let us use our export...
  16. T

    ‘Irrational’ border closure a setback to Pak-India ties: Chinese analysts

    China has one and it is not large enough to take all exposure. Chinese are as much capitalistic or else their companies wont be haggling with pakistani authorities for higher rates on projects. Chinese reinsurer is an hk listed company it cant riak so much exposure at an non remunerative pricing.
  17. T

    Turkey reaffirms its strong support for Kashmir cause

    Similarly it would help if turkey stops blabbering on kashmir and accepting booklets containing pics of designated terrorists.
  18. T

    Turkey reaffirms its strong support for Kashmir cause

    Showing these pics wont stop india funneling a few hundred million usd to kurds.
  19. T

    ‘Irrational’ border closure a setback to Pak-India ties: Chinese analysts

    I mentioned reinsurance not insurance. All big reinsurers are in western world.
  20. T

    ‘Irrational’ border closure a setback to Pak-India ties: Chinese analysts

    Ah people please think a bit deep. The fact why china is worried, my best guess is due to reinsurance cost. If pakistan and indian tensions increase, global reinsurance companies will charge hefty premiums which can easily add 5% extra annual costs to CPEC projects and make all chinese IRR...
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