We have outsourced the job of bringing up bad news to Pakistanis and they are doing good . Is it not? Pakistani chant modi modi more than Indians.
By the way Begani Shadi me Abdulla Diwana ||
I asked different member and you replies .
Ye rishta kya kehlata hai ||
Yes I have read your post and you bracketed Indian specs program and Pakistani space program in in one bracket.
Did you do this to satisfy your friends or its your desire ?
Few days ago you were "socialist " and against space programs to motorcycles.
Was it necessary to poke your nose when Pakistanis were discussing about their country without bringing India.
Why the hell these madrasa are affiliated with NIOS at first place ? They should get themselve affiliated with their respective state boards.
By the way Hindus and Muslim cant live together and then should not try to.
More power to Jinnah.